Export reminders and finance charges as PEPPOL files


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Business value

Business Central supports sending electronic documents in the PEPPOL format, which is a widely used format that the largest document exchange service providers support. We've added more types of documents to the list of those you can export in the PEPPOL format, which can improve your ability to exchange information with your customers and business partners. You can enhance your work with e-documents in Business Central by exporting financial details from reminders and finance charges in the PEPPOL format.

Feature details

Previously, you couldn't create e-documents for reminders and finance charges. Now, the PEPPOL format accepts financial values from issued finance charges and issued reminders.

To activate these types of documents, on the E-Document Service page, run the Supported Document Types action. Add the finance charge and reminder document types on the E-Document Service Supported Source Document Types page. Business Central can then generate a file that's formatted as an invoice and contains the financial values from these documents.

Adding Issued Finance Charge and Issued Reminder as E-Document types

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