Handle production output with warehouse put-aways
Some of the functionality described in this release plan has not been released. Delivery timelines may change and projected functionality may not be released (see Microsoft policy). Learn more: What's new and planned
Enabled for | Public preview | General availability |
Users by admins, makers, or analysts | - | Apr 2025 |
Business value
In this release, you can use warehouse put-aways for production outputs, which means you can use the same warehouse process for production outputs as you use for other receipts. Using the same process makes things easier because you don't have to switch between different types of document. Also, it's especially valuable for advanced configurations where Directed Put-Away and Pick is enabled because inventory put-away documents aren't available.
Feature details
Set-up instructions
To enable this feature, on the Location Card page, in the Prod Output Whse Handling field, select Warehouse Put-away.
For locations where Directed Put-away and Pick is enabled, make the field editable and allow the selection of No warehouse handling or Warehouse put-away. You can't select the Inventory Put-awayoption.
You won’t be able to activate warehouse put-away if released production orders exist on the selected location.
Use case
When you post production output for a location where the Prod Output Whse Handling field is set to Warehouse Put-away, based on the setting in the Location Card page, the warehouse put-away document is either created automatically or you'll need to use the Warehouse Put-Away Worksheet page.
If you delete a warehouse put-away, you can manually create a new one using the Create warehouse put-away action on the Release Product Order or Finished Prod Order pages.
You can't have production order lines with different locations with Prod Output Whse Handling set to Warehouse Put-away. To resolve this, use different production orders.
You can't cancel output if there are outstanding or completed put-aways.
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