Service Update 24042 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Client Control version

Update package Version number
Service Update 24042 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 Client Control version CC: 2024.04.12.c5b29b32.release.signed2-2024-04-12-4149 & LCW: 2024.04.10.6d8a2634.release.signed2-2024-04-10-4258 (or higher)

To determine whether your organization had this update applied, after login org instance please verify with[Sample url:- or livechatwidget/version.txt] blob container & convcontrol/LCW value need to update respectively.

An (*) at the end of a fix statement denotes that this repair item was incorporated into multiple service update releases.

Service Update 24042 resolves the following issues:

  • This release contains internal fixes and improvements to service behavior and performance.

Return to the all version availability page.

If you have any feedback on the release notes, please provide your thoughts here