Microsoft Dynamics 365 - Service Update 204 Release Notes

Service Update 204 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 9.1.0 is now available. This article describes the hotfixes and updates that are included in Service Update 204.


Note: Service Update naming convention has been revised to clarify the link between the version number and Service Update number. For example, Service Update 150 will now correspond to version number 150xx. Occasionally a Service Update will be canceled and all associated fixes will be rolled into a subsequent Service Update. For this reason, Service Update numbers may not always increase incrementally.

Update package Version number
Service Update 204 for Microsoft Dynamics 365 9.1.0

To determine whether your organization had this update applied, check your Microsoft Dynamics 365 version number. Click the gear icon in the upper-right corner, and then click About.

An (*) at the end of a fix statement denotes that this repair item was incorporated into multiple service update releases.

Service Update 204 resolves the following issues:

Repaired Functionality

The following list details issues whose resolutions repair items in Dynamics that are not functioning.


  • In the Sales Hub, the accessibility screen reader narrated incorrect touch user interface commands required to expand and select control options.
  • When using keyboard within Sales hub, the user interface did not allow access to the Document Locations link.
  • In the Sales Hub, the accessibility screen reader narrated incorrect touch user interface commands for applying focus to the lookup control.
  • When using keyboard navigation, the keyboard focus was lost after closing ‘Show Global Filter.’
  • When the search lookup had been expanded and focus was on the search button, the narrator had read it as “collapsed.”
  • When creating a new record in the Sales Hub, the accessibility screen reader narrated an incorrect instruction and focus was applied to the new records list twice.

Business Process and Analytics

  • Attempting to convert and activate an asynchronous workflow to modern flow had failed.*

Knowledge Management

  • Timeline changes were missing from notes after refreshing.*
  • The contrast between different shades of gray in Timeline records was indistinguishable.*
  • When viewing a full email content link in timeline, the page had refreshed or navigated to grid.*
  • Web client entities could not be loaded a customer timeline was present.*
  • When adding an email to an order, the 'To' field did not automatically populate with the relevant contact information.
  • Icons were not displaying when accessing the 'Activities' dropdown within the timeline in the app.
  • When creating a card configuration, the user interface displayed plain text where rich text was added in the fifth column.*
  • When restoring an archived article, the version number was not updated after the restoration was approved.
  • In the timeline, the user interface was unresponsive when selecting activity command buttons.
  • When the timeline was zoomed in, the user interface did not display the full text content of each item within the flyout menu.
  • When selecting the "show more" option within an email thread in the timeline, the user interface displayed more records when text was added or removed in the search bar.


  • Unable to open record view in Dynamics 365 for a tracked email.*
  • The company/link field, within Outlook contacts, was unresponsive and did not redirect to the link destination.*

Platform Services

  • Synced emails could not be sent without enabling 'track all.'
  • Folder based tracking was not working unless the "Track All Messages" option had been selected and regarding had been set incorrectly.*
  • Some attachments in incoming emails were converted to “untitled.txt” files.*
  • The audit log for a Recurring Appointment was populated with unnecessary, additional information.*


  • When performing an audit, the user interface displayed a notification icon stating, "Entity Audit Stopped" and audit data was inaccessible.


  • Activity Party attributes were missing in flows for ‘send email with and without templates’ when slugs were added in Legacy SLA.*
  • Migrated change status action was failing in flow runtime due to mismatch of state code and status code values.*

Unified Client

  • The "Send Direct Email" button, on the homepage grid of an entity, was unresponsive.
  • An error occurred when creating saved filters in the Dashboard.
  • Power BI did not open when selected from the Dashboard.
  • 'Next month' and 'Next year' operator labels were not translated in Dutch.
  • In the Customer Service Hub, an established business rule was not applied to the editable subgrids within the Unified Interface.*
  • Email signatures could not be created or, when updated, did not save.*
  • When navigating from any Dashboard to the Field Service Administrator Dashboard, the user interface would not load the Field Service Administrator Dashboard.*
  • In offline mode, the user interface did not display the Regarding form fields within the data set of an activities grid view.
  • When creating a new record within a Booking entity and selecting save, the user interface did not lock the form fields in the summary tab.
  • Converted apps could not be opened offline on Android.*
  • When hiding specific form fields, the user interface did not remove the hidden fields from the form.

Error Messages, Exceptions, and Failures

The following list details issues whose resolutions correct actions that produce errors, unhandled exceptions, or system or component failures.

Knowledge Management

  • An error had occurred when changing the expiration date on the summary.
  • An error occurred when loading an activity record that contained two fields within the header and body.*

Platform Services

  • An error occurred when applying a query to a filtered view that did not contain the required permissions.
  • When importing a solution, MaxLength setting changes were not updated correctly.


  • An error occurred when sorting document location data based on name or modification time.*
  • An error occurred when creating a Quote from an opportunity.*


  • An error occurred when attempting to open emails within Customer Journeys.*

Unified Client

  • A error occurred when creating activities for the first time in the activities grid.*
  • An error occurred when tracking recurring appointments in the Dynamics App for Outlook.*
  • An error occurred when modifying or creating a new account entity in offline mode, and entity was not saved or created.
  • An error occurred when opening a contact record in the Unified Interface.
  • An error occurred when loading a Dashboard within a custom entity in the Unified Interface.
  • An error occurred when attempting to create a Customer Journey or modify a Customer Journey template.*

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See the previous update.

If you have any feedback on the release notes, please provide your thoughts here