Schedule workload capacity

You can schedule workload capacity for warehouses, and you can also project the current and future workloads for the workers in individual warehouses. You can project the workload for the whole warehouse, or you can project the workload separately for incoming and outgoing workloads.

To project workload output for selected warehouses, master scheduling data must be available for those warehouses. Learn more in Master plans overview.

Schedule and view workloads for a warehouse

To schedule workload capacity for a warehouse, you create a workload setup for one or more warehouses, and then associate the workload setup with a master plan. In the workload capacity setup, you can define limits for the weight or volume for incoming and outgoing transactions. You can also create more than one setup for each warehouse and then associate the setup with individual master plans. For example, you might use this approach to accommodate seasonal changes in the workforce.

If the workers for a warehouse work with transactions for both incoming and outgoing workloads, you can configure the warehouse capacity setup so that the workload is projected in a combined view.

To schedule and view workloads for warehouses, you must complete the following tasks:

  1. Create a workload capacity setup and define workload capacity limits for one or more warehouses.
  2. Associate the workload capacity setup with a master plan to create workload projections and specify how long those projections will apply.

Create a workload capacity setup for a warehouse

  1. Select Inventory management > Setup > Warehouse monitoring > Workload capacity.

  2. On the Action Pane, select New to create a workload capacity setup.

  3. On the Warehouses FastTab, select New, and then enter values on the line to associate a warehouse with the workload capacity setup.

  4. Select the Combined inbound and outbound workload check box if the Workload capacity report should show the total workload for incoming and outgoing transactions in one view.

  5. On the Transaction types FastTab, select the types of incoming and outgoing transactions that the workload limits will apply to.


    You must select at least one transaction type for both the incoming workload and the outgoing workload.

Define limits for volume or weight

You can set up limits for volume or weight, depending on the limitation that is relevant for the warehouse workforce. The limits that you specify are included in the workload capacity projection that you can view on the Workload capacity report.

To project information about volume and weight for items, the standard volume of one inventory item and the weight of one inventory item must be specified for all products. The fields that are required are available in the following field groups on the Manage inventory FastTab of the Released product details page:

  • Handling
  • Physical dimensions
  • Weight measurements

If this information isn't specified correctly, you receive a message when you generate the Workload capacity report. From the report, you can then drill down to identify the missing information that is required in order to project the future workload.

Associate a workload capacity setup with a master plan

  1. Select Inventory management > Periodic > Schedule workload.
  2. In the Master plan field, select the master plan to use for workload projections.
  3. In the Number of days field, specify the number of days that the workload projection covers.
  4. In the Workload field, select the workload setup to associate with the master plan.

View workload capacity

  1. Select Inventory management > Inquiries and reports > Physical inventory reports > Workload capacity.
  2. In the Number of columns field, specify the number of columns to show on the report.
  3. In the Order type field, select Planned and confirmed, Planned, or Confirmed to indicate the type of orders to project on the report.
  4. In the Load type field, select a load type to specify whether the workload capacity should be projected for volume or weight.
  5. In the Workload capacity field, select a workload capacity setup.