What's new or changed in Dynamics 365 for Retail (April 2019)

This article describes features that are new or changed in Microsoft Dynamics 365 Retail (April 2019).

To learn about the features in finance and operations, see What's new or changed in finance and operations version 10.0 (April 2019).

Restrict payment methods for returns without a receipt

This feature allows for certain payment types to be restricted for refund if the returns are made without a receipt using Retail.

For more information, see Restrict payment methods for returns without a receipt.

Omni-channel advanced auto charges

With the advanced auto-charges features in Retail, orders created in any supported Retail channel (point of sale (POS), call center, and online), can take advantage of the auto charges configurations defined in Dynamics 365 for both header and line-level related charges.

For more information, see Omni-channel advanced auto charges.

Retail price reports

With this new functionality, store managers can create reports detailing recent or upcoming price changes.

For more information, see Retail price reports.

Return items across multiple customer orders and invoices

This functionality enables returns across multiple customer orders and invoices in Retail.

For more information, see Return items across multiple customer orders and invoices.

Loyalty changes

Functionality has been added to enhance the loyalty features in Retail.

For more information, see Loyalty overview.

Fiscal printer integration sample for Poland

Retail now contains a sample of the integration of POS with fiscal printers for Poland. The sample is a part of the Retail SDK. Implementation partners may extend the integration functionality to cover all required retail scenarios or build integration with other fiscal printer models based on the samples.

Additional resources

Dynamics 365 April '19 release plans

Wondering about upcoming and recently released capabilities in any of our business apps or platform?

Check out the April '19 release notes. We've captured all the details, end to end, top to bottom, in a single document that you can use for planning.