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Match product receipts to invoice (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Use this form to match product receipt lines to vendor invoice lines. The upper pane displays all lines from the vendor invoice. This includes lines that are not for a purchase order. For lines that are not for a purchase order, the lower pane does not display any product receipts.

Open the form

  1. Click Accounts payable > Common > Vendor invoices > Open vendor invoices.

  2. On the Action Pane, click Invoice > Vendor invoice and create an invoice.

  3. Optional: Select a purchase order that already has a product receipt posted for it.

  4. On the Action Pane, click Match product receipts.

Tasks that use this form

Key tasks: Vendor invoices

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





View product receipt and inventory quantities, and select product receipts to match.


View additional information about the selected product receipt line.


Upper pane




Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Transactions – View related inventory transactions.

  • Dimensions display – Select inventory dimensions to display.

Select all lines

Match the available product receipts to the lines on the invoices.

Deselect all lines

Disconnect all the matched product receipts on all the lines from the invoices.

Lower pane



Select all product receipts

Match all the product receipts to the selected invoice line.

Deselect all product receipts

Disconnect all the product receipts that were previously matched to the selected invoice line.





The invoice number that you are matching product receipts to.

Vendor account

The vendor account that is associated with the invoice.

Line number

The number of the line on the purchase order.


The number that identifies the item.

Procurement category

The procurement category that is associated with the item, if an item is specified. If an item is not specified, the combination of the procurement category and the associated text is the identifier for the line.


A description of the category that is associated with the item, if an item is specified. If an item is not specified, the combination of the procurement category and the associated text is the identifier for the line.


The vendor’s identifier for the item.


The configuration that is assigned to the item.


The size of the item.


The color of the item.


The site where the item is stored.


The warehouse location where the item is stored.

Batch number

The batch number that is associated with the item.


The location where the item is stored.

Pallet ID

The pallet that is associated with the item.

Serial number

The serial number that is associated with the item.


The invoice quantity to update.

Product receipt quantity match

If a check mark is displayed, the invoice quantity and the total product receipt matched quantity are equal for the selected line.

If a warning icon is displayed, the invoice quantity and the product receipt quantity differ for the selected line.

If the Receiving requirements check box in the Item model groups form is cleared and the invoice line is not connected to any product receipts, this field is blank.

If the invoice line is not for a purchase order line, invoice matching cannot be performed and this field is blank.


This field is available only if the Enable invoice matching validation check box is selected in the Accounts payable parameters form.

Net amount

The currency amount of the vendor invoice line. This amount includes any available cash discounts.

Total product receipts matched

The quantity of the invoice item that is matched to a product receipt.

Total inventory matched

The quantity of the invoice item that is reserved in inventory.


If this check box is selected, the product receipt line is matched to the invoice that is indicated at the top of the form.

Product receipt

The number of the product receipt.


The delivery date that is associated with the product receipt.

Product receipt quantity to match

The product receipt quantity that will be invoiced for the selected product receipt, in purchase units.

Inventory quantity to match

The product receipt quantity that will be invoiced for the selected product receipt, in inventory units.

Unmatched product receipt quantity

The quantity on the product receipt that is remaining to invoice for the selected product receipt, in purchase units.

Unmatched inventory quantity

The inventory quantity on the product receipt that is remaining to invoice for the selected product receipt, in inventory units.


The purchase unit that is used for the product receipt.


The identifying number for the item.

Lot ID

The lot number for the item.

Dimension No.

The dimension number for the item.

Inventory date

The date that corresponds to the inventory transaction. This is the date that the item was received into inventory.


If this check box is selected, the product is tracked in stock.


The quantity on the product receipt that is ordered, in purchase units.

This is the unit in which the item is purchased. For example, you might purchase an item in kilograms and stock it in grams. The purchase unit is kilogram and the inventory unit is gram.


The quantity on the product receipt that has been received, in purchase units.

Remaining quantity

The quantity that has not yet been received, in purchase units.

Unposted invoice

The quantity on the product receipt that is reserved for an unposted invoice line. The quantity is displayed in the purchase unit of the item.

Fully matched

If this check box is selected, the whole quantity of the product receipt line has been matched to one or more invoices.

Received quantity in the inventory unit

The quantity, in the inventory unit of the item.

See also

Pending invoices (form)

Pending vendor invoices (list page)

Vendor invoice (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).