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Sales order totals (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Click Sales and marketing > Common > Sales orders > All sales orders. Select the sales order, and then on the Action Pane, on the Sales order tab, click Totals.

Use this form to view the various totals for the sales order. This form displays totals for data such as the quantity, weight, and volume. The form also displays discounts, such as cash discounts, line discounts, and total discounts. Finally, the form displays taxes, the total charges from the invoice and the sales order lines, and invoice totals after taxes have been calculated.

The following table provides descriptions for the controls in this form.



The values that are displayed in this form depend on the option that you select in the Update field.




Specify how you want to generate totals. You can select among the following options:

  • Deliver now – Generate totals for all quantities specified in the Deliver now field on the order lines.

  • All – Generate totals for all open quantities.

  • Picked – Generate totals for all quantities that have been posted on a picking list, but that have not yet been delivered.

  • Packing slip – Generate totals for all quantities that have been posted on a packing slip, but that have not yet been invoiced.

  • Picked quantity and not stocked products – Generate totals for all quantities that have been posted on a picking list, but that have not yet been delivered. Also generate totals for services.


The total quantity of items on the sales order.


The total weight of items.


The total volume of items.

Cost value

The actual cost of the products. The cost value is also referred to as cost of goods sold (COGS).


The profit margin of the products sold.

Contribution ratio

The contribution ratio of the products, expressed as a percentage.

Credit limit

The credit limit of the customer for the sales order.

Credit available

The amount of credit that is still available to the customer for the sales order.

Exchange rate

The exchange rate that is used to calculate the total price of the sales order.

Line discount

The total line discount that is applied to the sales order lines.

Subtotal amount

The total amount of the sales order lines. This amount does not include the total discount, sales tax, and charges.

Total discount

The total discount that is applied to the sales order.

Total charges

The total amount of incidental charges for the sales order.

Sales tax

The sales tax that is calculated for the sales order.


The total amount of the sales order after rounding is applied, if you defined rules for rounding sales orders in the Currencies form. The total amount is always rounded down to the nearest multiple of the rounding unit. The rounding amount is posted to the rounding account that is specified in the System accounts form. For more information, see Currencies (form) and Accounts for automatic transactions (form).

Invoice amount

The total invoice amount of the sales order.

Cash discount

The cash discount that is expected to be given on the sales order.

See also

Sales orders (form)

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).