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Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime Namespace


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  Class Description
Public class CartLineValidationResults Reprsenents a collection of validation results for the lines in a cart.
Public class CartValidationException CartValidationException class is used to indicate invalid data passed to a cart opertion.
Public class ChangeQueryInfo Encapsulates the data necessary to query for changes.
Public class ColumnSet Represents the collection of columns that should be retrieved by the query. If no columns have been specified, all columns are retrieved by default.
Public class ColumnSet<T> Represents a column set of a generic type.
Public class CommerceRuntime Encapsulates the entry point of the runtime.
Public class CommerceRuntimeConfiguration Encapsulates configuration data relevant to the runtime.
Public class CommerceRuntimeException Represents the base class for exceptions originating from the Commerce Runtime.
Public class CommerceValidator This class exposes functionality for interacting with the DataAnnotations library
Public class CommunicationErrors Class container for all errors resulting from communication operations in the runtime.
Public class CommunicationException Communication exception.
Public class ConfigurationErrors Class container for all error codes resulting from configuration of the runtime.
Public class ConfigurationException Thrown during the retrieval of configuration values.
Public class DataValidationErrors Class container for all data validation related errors in the runtime.
Public class DataValidationException DataValidationException used to indicate invalid data passed to the runtime and its components.
Public class DataValidationFailure Contains the validation results from data validation.
Public class DateTimeOffsetExtensions Encapsulates functionaltiy used to extend the DateTimeOffset type.
Public class DefaultSortOrderAttribute This class defines an attribute that can be applied to commerce entity classs to define default sort order.
Public class DeviceAuthenticationException Thrown when device authentication fails.
Public class FeatureNotSupportedErrors Class container for all errors resulting from not supported operations in the runtime.
Public class FeatureNotSupportedException DataValidationException used to indicate invalid data passed to the runtime and its components.
Public class HeadquarterTransactionServiceException Represents the class for exceptions originating from the AX head quarter.
Public class ICollectionExtensions Encapsulates functionality used to extend the ICollection<T> implementation.
Public class IDictionaryExtensions Encapsulates functionality used to extend the IDictionary<TKey, TValue> class.
Public class IEnumerableExtensions Encapsulates functionaltiy used to extend the IEnumerable<T> implementation.
Public class ItemAvailabilityExtension This class extends the ItemAvailability class.
Public class ItemAvailableQuantityExtension This class extends the ItemAvailableQuantity class.
Public class ItemOutOfStockException Represents the exception for item out of stock error which is thrown on item reservation when there are not enough items in stock to be reserved.
Public class ItemQuantityExtensions This class extends the ItemQuantity class.
Public class ItemUnitExtension This class extends the ItemUnit class.
Public class KitTransactionDataManager DataManager class for Kit transaction data manager.
Public class NonSaleTenderOperationDataManager DataManager class for Nonsale tender operation data manager.
Public class NotificationErrors Class container for all data validation related errors in the runtime.
Public class NotificationException Notification exception.
Public class PagedResult<TEntity>
Public class ParameterSet Encapsulates a collection of named parameters represented as key/value pairs.
Public class PaymentErrors Class container for all error codes resulting from problems processing of payments.
Public class PaymentException Throw during processing of payments.
Public class ProjectionDomainExtensions Encapsulates functionality used to extend the ProjectionDomain implementation.
Public class PropertyInfoExtensions Encapsulates functionaltiy used to extend the PropertyInfo type.
Public class RequestContext Encapsulates the execution context for a given request.
Public class RequestContextExtensions Provides a mechanism to access most commonly used parameters stored on RequestContext.
Public class RequiredToBeUtcAttribute Annotates that a property is required to be UTC datetime offset.
Public class SalesLineExtension This class extends the SalesLine class.
Public class SalesTransactionExtensions This class defines lightweight calculated properties on objects in the SalesTransaction data model.
Public class SecurityErrors Class container for all security related errors in the runtime.
Public class SecurityException Security exception.
Public class StorageErrors Class container for all errors resulting from storage operations in the runtime.
Public class StorageException Storage exception.
Public class TenderDropAndDeclareDataManager DataManager class for Nonsale tender operation data manager.
Public class ThrowIf Encapsulates helper methods used to validate arguments.
Public class UnitOfMeasureConversionExtension Encapsulates extension methods for the UnitOfMeasureConversion class.
Public class UserAuthenticationException Thrown when a user authentication error occurs.
Public class UserAuthorizationException Thrown when a user authorization error occurs.


  Interface Description
Public interface ICommerceRuntime
Public interface ICommerceRuntimeConfiguration Encapsulates configuration interface relevant to the runtime.
Public interface ICompositionLoader The interface for the composition loader implementation.


  Enumeration Description
Public enumeration TenderLineOperationType Represents the types of operations for a tender line.