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RetailOperation Enumeration


This content is archived and is not being updated. For the latest documentation, see Microsoft Dynamics 365 product documentation. For the latest release plans, see Dynamics 365 and Microsoft Power Platform release plans.

Represents the type of logon type.

Namespace:  Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.DataModel
Assembly:  Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.Entities (in Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.Entities.dll)


<DataContractAttribute> _
Public Enumeration RetailOperation
Dim instance As RetailOperation
public enum RetailOperation
public enum class RetailOperation


Member name Description
None Operation Id None.
Invalid Invalid Operation Id.
ItemSale Item sale.
PriceCheck Check the price of a product. Retail POS asks for the item number. The cashier can scan the product or search for it. When the item is found, Retail POS displays the price of the product, and the cashier can add the product to the transaction.
VoidItem Void a line item in the transaction. The line item is removed from the transaction’s total and appears marked as voided.
ItemComment Add a comment to the selected line item in the transaction. The comment is saved together with the transaction and appears on the receipt.
PriceOverride Override the price of a product, if the product has been set up to allow price overrides. Retail POS displays a number pad that the cashier can use to enter the new price.
SetQuantity Change the quantity of a line item in the transaction.
ClearQuantity Reset the quantity of an item to 1.
ItemSearch Search for a product by item number, product description, or category. Search results can be sorted.
ReturnItem Perform a return of individual products. The next scanned product is displayed as a returned product that has a negative quantity and price.
WeighItem Not used at this time.
LinkedItemsAdd Not used at this time.
SetDimensions Not used at this time.
ReturnTransaction Perform a return of a whole transaction.
ShowJournal View the register’s journal. You can then view transactions, reprint receipts, or print invoices.
SetCostPrice Not used at this time.
LoyaltyRequest Add loyalty card to the transaction.
ProcessInput Not used at this time.
SalespersonBarcode Not used at this time.
SalespersonCard Not used at this time.
SalespersonClear Not used at this time.
InvoiceComment Enter a comment about the transaction. The comment is saved together with the transaction, and appears on the receipt or invoice.
ChangeUnitOfMeasure Change the scanned item's unit of measure.
ItemSaleMultiple Not used at this time.
RFIDSale Not used at this time.
SalesHistory Not used at this time.
OverrideTaxTransaction Override the tax on the transaction, and use a different tax. The new tax must previously be specified in Retail.
OverrideTaxTransactionList Override the tax on the transaction, and use a tax that the cashier selects in a list. The list of taxes must previously be specified in Retail.
OverrideTaxLine Override the tax on the selected line item, and use a different tax. The new tax must previously be specified in Retail.
OverrideTaxLineList Override the tax on the selected line item, and use a tax that the cashier selects in a list. The list of taxes must previously be specified in Retail.
PackSlip Print a packing slip for a sales order.
DepositOverride Not used at this time.
BuyWarranty Open a form where you can select warranty for product.
PayCash Accept cash as payment. The cashier can specify that the customer pays the transaction’s total. The cashier can also specify overpayment or underpayment, if the store allows overpayment or underpayment. If overpayment is allowed, Retail POS displays the amount that exceeds the transaction's total.
PayCard Accept a credit card or debit card as payment. The cashier types the card’s number and expiration date. The cashier can also specify overpayment or underpayment, if the store allows overpayment or underpayment. The cashier can also start this operation by swiping a credit card or debit card. In this case, Retail POS automatically completes the transaction.
PayCustomerAccount Charge the transaction to a customer’s account. The cashier can also specify overpayment or underpayment, if the store allows overpayment or underpayment. Retail POS also checks whether the customer is blocked. If the customer has not already been added to the transaction, the customer can add the customer at this point. You can also check a customer’s credit before you allow the payment, if credit checking has been set up in Retail.
PayCurrency Accept payment in various currencies. The cashier selects the payment currency, and Retail POS calculates the transaction’s total in that currency. The cashier can also specify overpayment or underpayment, if the store allows overpayment or underpayment.
PayCashQuick Complete the transaction in "one touch," provided that the customer pays the exact amount of the transaction’s total in cash.
PayLoyalty Pay loyalty.
PayCorporateCard This operation is not implemented in this release and may not appear in future releases.
ChangeBack Change back.
VoidPayment Void all payment methods that have been applied to the transaction.
FleetCardInfo Fleet card info.
PayCreditMemo Accept a credit memo that was issued by the store.
PayGiftCertificate Accept a gift certificate or gift card that was issued by the store.
LineDiscountAmount Enter a discount amount for a line item in the transaction. This operation is used only for discountable items and only in specified discount limits.
LineDiscountPercent Enter a discount percentage for a line item in the transaction. This operation is used only for discountable items and only in specified discount limits.
TotalDiscountAmount Enter a total discount amount. This amount is divided among all items in the transaction.
TotalDiscountPercent Enter a total discount percentage. This percentage is divided among all items in the transaction.
DiscountCodeBarcode Discount code barcode.
PopupMenu Select a button grid that is associated with the button. When the button is clicked, Retail POS displays the selected button grid in a separate window.
Submenu Select a button grid that is associated with the button. When the button is clicked, Retail POS displays the selected button grid instead of the existing button grid.
VoidTransaction Void the transaction. Voided transactions are saved in the database and have a voided status.
TransactionComment Add a comment to the transaction. The comment is saved together with the transaction and appears on the receipt.
SalesPerson Sales Person.
SuspendTransaction Suspend a transaction. The transaction can be recalled later.
RecallTransaction Recall a suspended transaction.
RecallUnconcludedTransaction Recall a unconcluded transaction.
CardSwipe Card swipe.
PharmacyPrescriptionAdd Not used at this time.
PharmacyPrescriptionCancel This operation is not implemented in this release and may not appear in future releases.
PharmacyPrescriptionPaid Not used at this time.
PharmacyPrescriptions This operation is not implemented in this release and may not appear in future releases.
IssueCreditMemo Issue a central credit memo through Commerce Data Exchange: Real-time Service, and print a copy.
IssueGiftCertificate Issue a gift card through Real-time Service, and print a copy.
DisplayTotal Display the balance of the transaction on the customer display.
CreditMemoBalance Credit Memo Balance.
RecallSalesOrder Sales order.
SalesInvoice Display information about a sales invoice for a specific customer.
IncomeAccounts Record money that is put into the cash drawer for a reason other than a sale.
ExpenseAccounts Record money that is removed from the cash drawer for occasional expenses.
AddToGiftCard Add money to the specified gift card.
GiftCardBalance Display the balance of a gift card.
CashChangerRegisterAmount Cash changer register amount.
CashChangerReset Cash changer reset.
CashChangerRegret Cash changer regret.
CashChangerExit Cash changer exit.
CashChangerChange Cash changer change.
CashChangerLogOn Cash changer login.
CashChangerInit Cash changer init.
Customer Open a form where the cashier can type a customer ID to search for the customer. If a customer is found, the customer is added to the transaction.
CustomerSearch Open a form where the cashier can search for a customer. The cashier can then add the customer to the transaction.
CustomerClear Clear a customer from the transaction. If any price agreements apply to the customer, prices and discounts in the transaction might change.
CustomerCard Customer card.
CustomerTransactions Display the transactions for the selected customer.
CustomerTransactionsReport Print a report that shows the transactions for the selected customer.
CustomerBalanceReport Customer balance report.
CustomerAdd Open the Add customer form, where the cashier can enter information about a new customer. When the information is saved, the new customer is added to the customer list.
CustomerBarcode Customer bar code.
EditCustomerOrder Edit customer order.
CreateCustomerOrder Create customer order.
Search Smart Search.
CustomerEdit Open the Edit customer form, where the cashier can update information about a customer. When the information is saved, the customer is updated.
LoyaltyIssueCard Issue loyalty card.
LogOn Log on to the register.
LogOff Log off the register, and suspend all sales until the next logon.
ChangeUser Change user.
LockTerminal Lock the register when the cashier must leave the register. The cashier unlocks the register by logging on.
LogOffForce LogOff Force.
EmployeeCard Employee card.
EmployeeBarcode Employee Bar code.
ActivateDevice Activate Device.
DeactivateDevice Deactivate Device.
ChangeHardwareStation Change hardware station.
PairHardwareStation Pair hardware station.
ResetPassword Reset password.
ChangePassword Change password.
NegativeAdjustment Negative adjustment.
InventoryLookup Look up on-hand inventory for the current store and other available locations.
StockCount Open the Stock counting form, where you can scan or enter bar codes.
PickingAndReceiving Open the receiving form, where you can select a purchase order or transfer order to receive merchandise for.
ApplicationExit Application exit.
PrintTaxFree Print tax free.
PrintPreviousSlip Print previous slip.
PrintPreviousInvoice Print previous invoice.
UploadPrinterLogo Upload printer logo.
RestartComputer Restart computer.
ShutdownComputer Shutdown computer.
DesignModeEnable Allow changes to the screen layout of the terminal. The functionality profile of the terminal specifies whether the cashier has access to this operation.
DesignModeDisable Prevent changes to the screen layout of the terminal. The functionality profile of the terminal specifies whether the cashier has access to this operation.
MinimizePOSWindow Minimize the Retail POS window.
BlankOperation This operation represents a customizable button that can be programmatically changed by a software developer for any specialized operation that the business requires.
WindowsWorkflowOperation Initiate custom operations and workflows.
DatabaseConnectionStatus Switch the database that Retail POS uses from the store database to the register's offline database, or from the offline database to the store database.
ShowBlindClosedShifts View a list of shifts that have been blind closed.
ExtendedLogOn Extended LogOn.
TimeRegistration Time registration.
ViewTimeClockEntries View TimeClock entries.
ViewProductDetails View product details.
OpenDrawer Open the cash drawer when a sale is not made. This operation is recorded in the database.
ViewReport View POS reports configured.
TenderDeclaration Open the Tender declaration form.
BlindCloseShift Set the current shift to blind close, and log off the cashier.
SuspendShift Suspend the current shift. The shift can be logged on to later.
CloseShift Close the current shift.
PrintX Print an X report.
PrintZ Print a Z report.
CustomerAccountDeposit Make a payment to a customer's account.
DeclareStartAmount Declare the amount that is in the cash drawer when the day or shift starts.
FloatEntry Register a float entry to the cash drawer, such as an addition or a change.
TenderRemoval Record the removal of money from the cash drawer.
SafeDrop Perform a safe drop to move money from the register to a safe.
BankDrop Record the amount of money that is sent to the bank and other information, such as the number of the bank bag.
ShippingAddressSearch Open a form where you can search for a shipping address.
ShippingAddressAdd Add a shipping address for the customer on the transaction.
KitDisassembly Open a form where you can disassemble a kit into its constituent components.

See Also


Microsoft.Dynamics.Commerce.Runtime.DataModel Namespace