(RUS) Assign a TN VED code to a customs payment


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Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Use the TN VED code relation with customs payment form to assign a Commodities Classification Code of the Foreign Economic Activity (TN VED) code to customs payments. The TN VED code that is assigned is used to calculate customs payments.

  1. Click Inventory management > Setup > Custom payments > TN VED code relation with customs payment.


    Click Inventory management > Setup > Custom payments > TN VED codes. Click Setup > Customs payments relation with TN VED.

  2. Create a line.

  3. In the From date field, select or enter the starting date of the association between the TN VED code and the customs payment that is calculated based on the customs duty and fees.

  4. In the TN VED code field, enter the TN VED code to associate with the customs payment.

  5. In the VAT field, select the sales tax code that is used to calculate value-added tax (VAT).

  6. In the Excise field, select the sales tax code that is used to calculate excise duty.

  7. In the Customs duty field, select the sales tax code that is used to calculate customs duty.

  8. In the Direction field, select the direction of movement of the items for which to calculate the customs payments.

See also

(RUS) Set up the terms of delivery for customs clearance of items

(RUS) TN VED code relation with customs payment (form)