Web browser cookies used in Microsoft Entra authentication

During authentication against Microsoft Entra ID through a web browser, multiple cookies are involved in the process. Some of the cookies are common on all requests. Other cookies are used for specific authentication flows or specific client-side conditions.

Persistent session tokens are stored as persistent cookies on the web browser's cookie jar. Non-persistent session tokens are stored as session cookies on the web browser, and are destroyed when the browser session is closed.

Cookie Name Type Comments
ESTSAUTH Common Contains user's session information to facilitate SSO. Transient.
ESTSAUTHPERSISTENT Common Contains user's session information to facilitate SSO. Persistent.
ESTSAUTHLIGHT Common Contains Session GUID Information. Lite session state cookie used exclusively by client-side JavaScript in order to facilitate OIDC sign-out. Security feature.
SignInStateCookie Common Contains list of services accessed to facilitate sign-out. No user information. Security feature.
CCState Common Contains session information state to be used between Microsoft Entra ID and the Microsoft Entra Backup Authentication Service.
buid Common Tracks browser related information. Used for service telemetry and protection mechanisms.
fpc Common Tracks browser related information. Used for tracking requests and throttling.
esctx Common Session context cookie information. For CSRF protection. Binds a request to a specific browser instance so the request can't be replayed outside the browser. No user information.
ch Common ProofOfPossessionCookie. Stores the Proof of Possession cookie hash to the user agent.
ESTSSC Common Legacy cookie containing session count information no longer used.
ESTSSSOTILES Common Tracks session sign-out. When present and not expired, with value "ESTSSSOTILES=1", it interrupts SSO, for specific SSO authentication model, and presents tiles for user account selection.
AADSSOTILES Common Tracks session sign-out. Similar to ESTSSSOTILES but for other specific SSO authentication model.
ESTSUSERLIST Common Tracks Browser SSO user's list.
SSOCOOKIEPULLED Common Prevents looping on specific scenarios. No user information.
cltm Common For telemetry purposes. Tracks AppVersion, ClientFlight, and Network type.
brcap Common Client-side cookie (set by JavaScript) to validate client/web browser's touch capabilities.
clrc Common Client-side cookie (set by JavaScript) to control local cached sessions on the client.
CkTst Common Client-side cookie (set by JavaScript). No longer in active use.
wlidperf Common Client-side cookie (set by JavaScript) that tracks local time for performance purposes.
x-ms-gateway-slice Common Microsoft Entra Gateway cookie used for tracking and load balance purposes.
stsservicecookie Common Microsoft Entra Gateway cookie also used for tracking purposes.
x-ms-refreshtokencredential Specific Available when Primary Refresh Token (PRT) is in use.
estsStateTransient Specific Applicable to new session information model only. Transient.
estsStatePersistent Specific Same as estsStateTransient, but persistent.
ESTSNCLOGIN Specific National Cloud Login related Cookie.
UsGovTraffic Specific US Gov Cloud Traffic Cookie.
ESTSWCTXFLOWTOKEN Specific Saves flowToken information when redirecting to ADFS.
CcsNtv Specific To control when Microsoft Entra Gateway sends requests to Microsoft Entra Backup Authentication Service. Native flows.
CcsWeb Specific To control when Microsoft Entra Gateway sends requests to Microsoft Entra Backup Authentication Service. Web flows.
Ccs* Specific Cookies with prefix Ccs*, have the same purpose as the ones without prefix, but only apply when Microsoft Entra Backup Authentication Service is in use.
threxp Specific Used for throttling control.
rrc Specific Cookie used to identify a recent B2B invitation redemption.
debug Specific Cookie used to track if user's browser session is enabled for DebugMode.
MSFPC Specific This cookie is not specific to any ESTS flow, but is sometimes present. It applies to all Microsoft Sites (when accepted by users). Identifies unique web browsers visiting Microsoft sites. It's used for advertising, site analytics, and other operational purposes.


Cookies identified as client-side cookies are set locally on the client device by JavaScript, hence, will be marked with HttpOnly=false.

Cookie definitions and respective names are subject to change at any moment in time according to Microsoft Entra service requirements.

Next steps

To learn more about self-service password reset concepts, see How Microsoft Entra self-service password reset works.

To learn more about multifactor authentication concepts, see How Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication works.