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The MimeContent element contains the ASCII MIME stream of an object that is represented in base64Binary format and supports [RFC2045].

<MimeContent CharacterSet="" />


Attributes and elements

The following sections describe attributes, child elements, and parent elements.


Attribute Description
If set, the value for this attribute is ignored by the server.

Child elements


Parent elements

CalendarItem | Contact | DistributionList | Item | MeetingCancellation | MeetingMessage | MeetingRequest | MeetingResponse | Message | RemoveItem | Task

Text value

A text value that represents a base64Binary MIME stream is required if this element is used.


The message content goes through the following three levels of encoding before it is stored in the MimeContent value:

  1. Message text — This is the body encoding, such as iso-2022-jp for Japanese characters.

  2. MIME stream — This is the ASCII encoding of the message text for the MimeContent element, or the UTF8 encoding of the message text for the MimeContentUTF8 element.

  3. XML document — This is always the base64-encoded ASCII stream of the MIME stream, where characters such as '<', which are meaningful to XML, are hidden from XML parsers.

Each level is independent of the level that precedes it.

The MimeContent element might contain the same data that other properties that are returned with an item contain.

The schema that describes this element is located in the IIS virtual directory that hosts Exchange Web Services.

Element information

Element Example
Schema Name
Types schema
Validation File
Can be Empty

See also