403: Forbidden error when you try to view organization-wide free/busy information in Exchange
Original KB number: 3082946
When you try to view organization-wide free/busy information, the attempt fails and generates a 403: Forbidden error.
For example, you have Forest A on a server that's running Microsoft Exchange 2007 and Forest B on a server that's running Exchange Server 2013 or Exchange Server 2010. In this situation, a user in Forest A can't see the free/busy information of a user in Forest B. Additionally, the following event is logged in the event log on the source server:
Log Name: Application
Source: MSExchange Availability
Date: Date
Event ID: 4002
Task Category: Availability Service
Level: Error
Keywords: Classic
User: N/A
Computer: <Computer Name>
Process <Process ID>[w3wp.exe:/LM/W3SVC/1/ROOT/EWS-1-130778800910201315]: Proxy request CrossForest from
Requester:S-1-5-21-1016748826-3068013645-1401187561-1105 to https://<ONLINE_URL>/EWS/Exchange.asmx failed.
Caller SIDs: . The exception returned is Microsoft.Exchange.InfoWorker.Common.Availability.ProxyWebRequestProcessingException:
System.Net.WebException: The request failed with HTTP status 403: Forbidden.
On the destination server, the following entry is logged in the Internet Information Service (IIS) log, under the W3SVC1 directory:
IIS Logs: 2015-06-08 04:19:25 <IP Address> POST /EWS/Exchange.asmx &CorrelationID=<empty>;&ClientId=JQJLGECZ0MGEHVVWEBZG&cafeReqId=9f422915-0721-48ce-b2c6-4406d2c1b49d; 443 domain\serviceaccount <IP Address> ASProxy/CrossForest/EmailDomain/EXCH/08.03.0083.000 - 403 0 0 718
On the server that is running Exchange Server 2013, the following entry is logged in the HTTPProxy log:
WebExceptionStatus=ProtocolError;ResponseStatusCode=403;WebException=System.Net.WebException: The remote server returned an error: (403) Forbidden. at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.EndGetResponse(IAsyncResult asyncResult) at Microsoft.Exchange.HttpProxy.ProxyRequestHandler.<>c__DisplayClass2c.<OnResponseReady>b__2b();
On the Mailbox server, the following entry is logged in the IIS log, under the W3SVC2 directory:
2015-06-08 04:16:29 <IP Address> POST /EWS/Exchange.asmx - 444 domain\serviceaccount ASProxy/CrossForest/EmailDomain/EXCH/08.03.0083.000 403 0 0 233
On the Mailbox server, the following entry is logged in the EWS log:
AuthError=User not allowed to access EWS;,FaultInnerException=Microsoft.Exchange.Services.Core.Types.ServiceAccessDeniedException: Access is denied. Check credentials and try again.;ExceptionHandlerBase_ProvideFault_FaultException=System.ServiceModel.FaultException: Access is denied. Check credentials and try again. at Microsoft.Exchange.Services.Wcf.MessageInspectorManager.InternalAfterReceiveRequest(Message& request IClientChann
This problem occurs because EWS is blocked on Forest B at the organization level. Forest B allows only selected applications to access EWS. EWS isn't allowed for cross-forest free/busy requests.
To check the organization configuration, run the following command:
Get-Organizationconfig | fl *ews*
To enable cross-forest free/busy requests at the organization level, you have to add the User agent to the EWS Allow list. For example, in the situation that's described in the "Summary" section, add the following User agent path.
This information is taken from IIS logs on the destination server.
Then, run the following command:
Set-OrganizationConfig -EwsAllowList "ASProxy/CrossForest/EmailDomain/EXCH/08.03.0083.000","TestApp","app1"