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Resource mailbox's calendar shows the organizer's name instead of the subject in an Exchange Server environment


Consider the following scenario:

  • A Resource mailbox is configured to AutoAccept in a Microsoft Exchange Server environment.
  • You send a meeting request to the Resource mailbox.
  • The meeting request is accepted automatically, and the meeting subject is displayed correctly in the organizer's mailbox.

In this scenario, when you log on to the Resource mailbox, you see that the meeting subject is replaced with the organizer's name.


This is default behavior. It occurs because AddOrganizerToSubject and DeleteSubject are set to True.

To view these value for the Resource mailbox, run the one of the following cmdlets:

  • For Exchange Server 2016,Exchange Server 2013 or Exchange Server 2010

    Get-CalendarProcessing -Identity <RESOURCEMAILBOX> | FL
  • For Exchange Server 2007

    Get-MailboxCalendarSettings -identity <RESOURCEMAILBOX> |FL    


To resolve this issue, follow these steps:

  1. Open the Exchange Management Shell.
  2. Run the one of following cmdlets:
    • For Exchange Server 2016, Exchange Server 2013 or Exchange Server 2010

      Set-CalendarProcessing -Identity <RESOURCEMAILBOX> -DeleteSubject $False -AddOrganizerToSubject $False
    • For Exchange Server 2007

      Set-MailboxCalendarSettings -Identity <RESOURCEMAILBOX> -AutomateProcessing AutoAccept -AddOrganizerToSubject $False -DeleteSubject $False