Job queueing in Apache Spark for Microsoft Fabric

Applies to: Data Engineering and Data Science in Microsoft Fabric

Microsoft Fabric supports the queueing of background jobs when you have reached your Spark compute limits for your Fabric capacity. The job queueing system offers automatic retries for jobs that are added to the queue until they reach queue expiry. When users create a Microsoft Fabric capacity on Azure, they choose a capacity size based on the size of their analytics workload. After purchasing the capacity, admins can create workspaces within the capacity in Microsoft Fabric. Spark jobs that run within these workspaces can use up to the maximum cores allocated for a given capacity, and once the max limit has been reached, the jobs are either throttled or queued.

Learn more about the Spark Concurrency Limits in Microsoft Fabric

Job queueing is supported for Notebook jobs that are triggered by pipelines or through the scheduler, as well as for Spark job definitions. Queueing is not supported for interactive notebook jobs and notebook jobs triggered through notebook public API.

The queue operates in a First-In-First-Out (FIFO) manner, where jobs are added to the queue based on the time of their submission and are constantly retried and start executing when the capacity is freed up.


Queueing of Spark jobs is not supported when your Fabric capacity is in its throttled state. All new jobs submitted will be rejected.

Animated illustration of the process of job queuing in Microsoft Fabric.

Once a job is added to the queue, its status is updated to Not Started in the Monitoring hub. Notebooks and Spark Job Definitions when they get picked from the queue and begin executing, their status is updated from Not Started to In progress.


Queue expiration is 24 hours for all jobs from the time they were admitted into the queue. Once the expiration time is reached, the jobs will need to be resubmitted.

Queue Sizes

Fabric Spark enforces queue sizes based on the capacity SKU size attached to a workspace, providing a throttling and queueing mechanism where users can submit jobs based on the purchased Fabric capacity SKUs.

The following section lists various queue sizes for Spark workloads based on Microsoft Fabric based on the capacity SKUs:

Fabric capacity SKU Equivalent Power BI SKU Queue limit
F2 - 4
F4 - 4
F8 - 8
F16 - 16
F32 - 32
F64 P1 64
F128 P2 128
F256 P3 256
F512 P4 512
F1024 - 1024
F2048 - 2048
Trial Capacity P1 NA


Queueing is not supported for Fabric trial capacities. Users would have to switch to a paid Fabric F or P SKU to use queueing for Spark jobs.

Once the max queue limit has been reached for a Fabric capacity, the new jobs submitted will be throttled with an error message [TooManyRequestsForCapacity] This spark job can't be run because you have hit a spark compute or API rate limit. To run this spark job, cancel an active Spark job through the Monitoring hub, choose a larger capacity SKU, or try again later. HTTP status code: 430 {Learn more} HTTP status code: 430.