
Sets the app's optional, private, custom pointer-sized context value for this user.


void set_custom_user_context(  
    void* customUserContext  


customUserContext   _In_opt_
Type: void*

An arbitrary, pointer-sized value to store for the chat_user object.

Return value

Type: void



This method sets the app's optional, private, custom pointer-sized context value for this chat_user object. The custom user context is typically used as a "shortcut" that simplifies accessing local, app-specific memory associated with the user without requiring a mapping lookup. Use the chat_user::custom_user_context method to retrieve the custom user context for a chat_user object.

The custom user context is treated as opaque by the Game Chat 2 library, and is only valid on the local device; it is not transmitted over the network.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Intro to Game Chat 2