
Defines the types of game_chat_state_change objects that can be reported by chat_manager::start_processing_state_changes.


enum class game_chat_state_change_type  : int64_t  


Constant Description
text_chat_received A player-to-player text communication message has arrived.

Cast the game_chat_state_change object to a game_chat_text_chat_received_state_change object for more information.
transcribed_chat_received A remote player's voice communication has been transcribed and should be displayed to one or more local users.

Cast the game_chat_state_change object to a game_chat_transcribed_chat_received_state_change object for more information.
text_conversion_preference_changed A local user has enabled or disabled speech-to-text or text-to-speech conversion.

Cast the game_chat_state_change object to a game_chat_text_conversion_preference_changed_state_change object for more information.
communication_relationship_adjuster_changed A local user's communication relationship adjuster with respect to another user has changed.

Cast the game_chat_state_change object to a game_chat_communication_relationship_adjusters_changed object for more information.


This enumeration is used by the state_change_type member of a game_chat_state_change object to define the type of state change represented by that object. You can cast the game_chat_state_change structure to the structure that corresponds to the constant returned by the state_change_type member, to get more information about that specific type of state change. For more information about processing state changes, see Using the Game Chat 2 C++ API.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

Intro to Game Chat 2
GameChat2 members