
A callback invoked every time a new memory buffer must be dynamically allocated by the Game Chat library.


_Post_writable_byte_size_(size) void *
(game_chat_callback * game_chat_allocate_memory_callback)(
    _In_ size_t size,
    _In_ uint32_t memoryTypeId


size   _In_
Type: size_t

The size of the allocation to be made. This value will never be zero.

memoryTypeId   _In_
Type: uint32_t

A pointer to an allocated block of memory of the specified size, or a null pointer if allocation failed.


This callback is optionally installed using the chat_manager::set_memory_callbacks() method.

The callback must allocate and return a pointer to a contiguous block of memory of the specified size that will remain valid until the app's corresponding game_chat_free_memory_callback is invoked to release it. If this is not possible, the callback must return a null pointer to fail the allocation. Memory allocation failures are sometimes considered benign but will usually cause current Game Chat library operation(s) to fail.


Header: GameChat2.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also

GameChat2 members