GET (/serviceconfigs/{scid}/hoppers/{name}/stats)

Gets the statistics for a hopper.

This method is intended for use with contract 103 or later, and requires a header element of X-Xbl-Contract-Version: 103 or later on every request.


This HTTP/REST method gets statistics from the named hopper at the service configuration ID (SCID) level. This method can be wrapped by the Microsoft.Xbox.Services.Matchmaking.MatchmakingService.GetHopperStatisticsAsync API.

URI parameters

Parameter Type Description
scid GUID The service configuration identifier (SCID) for the session.
name string The name of the hopper.


Type Required Description Response if missing
XUID (user ID) yes The user making the request must be a member of the ticket session referred to by the ticket. 403
Privileges and Device Type yes When the user's deviceType is set to console, only users with the multiplayer privilege in their claims are allowed to make calls to the matchmaking service. 403
Title ID/Proof of Purchase/Device Type yes The title that is being matched into must allow matchmaking for the specified title claim, device type combination. 403

HTTP status codes

The service returns an HTTP status code as it applies to MPSD.

Request body

No objects are sent in the body of this request.

Response body

Member Type Description
hopperName string The name of the selected hopper.
waitTime 32-bit signed integer Average matching time for the hopper (an integral number of seconds).
population 32-bit signed integer The number of people waiting for matches in the hopper.

Sample response


See also

