MicrosoftGame.config Element - KnownDependency
Shortcut to specify one of the commonly used framework packages. Attribute specification of name is required and MinVersion is set automatically. Refer to the ST_KnownDependency section in the following schema for a list of possible shortcuts.
This element's parent is the DependencyList element.
This element is optional and is not required to be set.
This element only pertains to PC devices.
- No attributes.
- No default value.
- Allowed value is DX11 (for DirectX Runtime dependencies), VC11 (for Visual Studio C++ Runtime for Visual Studio 2012), VC12 (for Visual Studio C++ Runtime for Visual Studio 2013) and VC14 (for Visual Studio C++ Runtime for Visual Studio 2015, 2017, 2019, and 2022).
The KnownDependency element is intended to provide a simpler way to specificy common dependencies. Please refer to the schema for a list of allowed values. The KnownDependency element also uses a minimum verison by default and does not require this to be set.
The Dependency element requires specification of the full identity name of the framework package in addition to requiring a minimum version to be set.
We recommend using KnownDependency for common dependencies that are specified and only using Dependency if you want finer grain control of a specific framework package or framework package version.
Additional resources
DesktopRegistration Element (MicrosoftGame.config) - Microsoft Game Development Kit
MicrosoftGame.config Reference for DesktopRegistration Element.
MicrosoftGame.config element reference (contents) - Microsoft Game Development Kit
MicrosoftGame.config element reference material for the Microsoft Game Development Kit (GDK).
Game Element (MicrosoftGame.config) - Microsoft Game Development Kit
MicrosoftGame.config Reference for Game Element.