
A set of touch controls arranged in an inner and outer circular area.


inner - object, optional. Up to four controls that are arranged in the inner portion of the wheel.

outer - array, optional. An array of up to 8 slots that can be filled by controls and/or control cluster that are placed around the inner area of the circular area represented by the wheel.

  • The first slot in the outer area starts at the top of the wheel (around 1 o'clock) and continues clockwise.
  • A slot can be skipped with null.
  • A control cluster will always take up 2 of the 8 available slots -- the slot it is specified in and the subsequent one.



The size and rotation of the wheel control can be adjusted by the player. When customizing to their preferences, the player can change both the size and rotation of the wheels.

Customizing wheels by the player


  • The inner area should be used to position the control(s) that should be most accessible to the player for that hand.
  • The inner slot on the left should be utilized for the primary player movement control.
  • outer slots that are require the player to move their hand to reach should be used for infrequently accessed commands.


Example 1: A sample wheel with a joystick in the center and a custom button in each outer slot

Wheel with joystick in inner slot and custom buttons in each outer slot

"left": {
    "inner": [
            "type": "joystick",
            "axis": {
                "input": "axisXY",
                "output": "leftJoystick",
                "deadzone": {
                    "threshold": 0.05,
                    "radial": true
    "outer" : [
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadX",
            "styles": {
                "default" : {
                    "faceImage" : {
                        "type": "asset",
                        "value": "one"
                    "background" : {
                        "type": "color",
                        "value": "#80808080"
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadX",
            "styles": {
                "default" : {
                    "faceImage" : {
                        "type": "asset",
                        "value": "two"
                    "background" : {
                        "type": "color",
                        "value": "#80808080"
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadX",
            "styles": {
                "default" : {
                    "faceImage" : {
                        "type": "asset",
                        "value": "three"
                    "background" : {
                        "type": "color",
                        "value": "#80808080"
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadX",
            "styles": {
                "default" : {
                    "faceImage" : {
                        "type": "asset",
                        "value": "four"
                    "background" : {
                        "type": "color",
                        "value": "#80808080"
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadX",
            "styles": {
                "default" : {
                    "faceImage" : {
                        "type": "asset",
                        "value": "five"
                    "background" : {
                        "type": "color",
                        "value": "#80808080"
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadX",
            "styles": {
                "default" : {
                    "faceImage" : {
                        "type": "asset",
                        "value": "six"
                    "background" : {
                        "type": "color",
                        "value": "#80808080"
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadX",
            "styles": {
                "default" : {
                    "faceImage" : {
                        "type": "asset",
                        "value": "seven"
                    "background" : {
                        "type": "color",
                        "value": "#80808080"
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadX",
            "styles": {
                "default" : {
                    "faceImage" : {
                        "type": "asset",
                        "value": "eight"
                    "background" : {
                        "type": "color",
                        "value": "#80808080"
Example 2: A sample left wheel with a directional pad and map button

Wheel with joystick in inner slot and custom buttons in each outer slot

 "left": {
    "inner": [
            "type": "directionalPad",
            "scale": 1.5
    "outer" : [
            "type": "button",
            "action": "leftBumper",
            "styles": {
                "default" : {
                    "faceImage" : {
                        "type": "icon",
                        "value": "map"
Example 3: A sample right wheel with three buttons

The buttons are aligned on the most easily reachable for the right hand. The buttons in the outer area are arranged in a cluster to have a larger hit area.

Wheel with joystick in inner slot and custom buttons in each outer slot

"right": {
    "inner": [
        "type": "button",
        "action": "gamepadX",
        "styles": {
        "default": {
            "faceImage": {
            "type": "icon",
            "value": "sword"
    "outer": [
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadB",
            "styles": {
                "default": {
                "faceImage": {
                    "type": "icon",
                    "value": "interact"
            "type": "button",
            "action": "gamepadA",
            "styles": {
                "default": {
                "faceImage": {
                    "type": "icon",
                    "value": "jump"

See Also

Touch Adaptation Kit Reference