
Indicates the system device type returned by calling XSystemGetDeviceType.


enum class XSystemDeviceType  : uint32_t
    Unknown              = 0x00,
    Pc                   = 0x01,
    XboxOne              = 0x02,
    XboxOneS             = 0x03,
    XboxOneX             = 0x04,
    XboxOneXDevkit       = 0x05,
    XboxScarlettLockhart = 0x06,
    XboxScarlettAnaconda = 0x07,
    XboxScarlettDevkit   = 0x08


Constant Description
Unknown Device type is unknown. This value is returned by XSystemGetDeviceType when the device type can't be determined.
Pc The device is a PC.
XboxOne The device is an Xbox One.
XboxOneS The device is an Xbox One S.
XboxOneX The device is an Xbox One X.
XboxOneXDevkit The device is an Xbox One X Dev Kit.
XboxScarlettLockhart The device is an Xbox Series S.
XboxScarlettAnaconda The device is an Xbox Series X.
XboxScarlettDevkit The device is an Xbox Series X Dev Kit.


The XSystemGetDeviceType function has no explicit error state. It returns a value of XSystemDeviceType::Unknown if it is unable to determine the system device type.

You can call XSystemGetDeviceType before calling XGameRuntimeInitialize, during early title initialization.

The following code example gets the type of system device currently in use. If it's running on a dev kit, then it runs custom code to enable developer features within the game.

const XSystemDeviceType deviceType = XSystemGetDeviceType();

const bool deviceIsDevkit = 
    deviceType == XSystemDeviceType::XboxOneXDevkit || 
    deviceType == XSystemDeviceType::XboxScarlettDevkit;

if (deviceIsDevkit)


Header: XSystem.h

Supported platforms: Windows, Xbox One family consoles and Xbox Series consoles

See also
