
PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleRequest data model.


typedef struct PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleRequest {  
    bool createAccount;  
    PFStringDictionaryEntry const* customTags;  
    uint32_t customTagsCount;  
    const char* identityToken;  
    PFGetPlayerCombinedInfoRequestParams const* infoRequestParameters;  
    const char* playerSecret;  
} PFAuthenticationLoginWithAppleRequest;  


createAccount   bool

Automatically create a PlayFab account if one is not currently linked to this ID.

customTags   PFStringDictionaryEntry const*
may be nullptr

(Optional) The optional custom tags associated with the request (e.g. build number, external trace identifiers, etc.).

customTagsCount   uint32_t

Count of customTags

identityToken   const char*
is null-terminated

The JSON Web token (JWT) returned by Apple after login. Represented as the identityToken field in the authorization credential payload. If you choose to ignore the expiration date for identity tokens, you will receive an NotAuthorized error if Apple rotates the signing key. In this case, users have to login to provide a fresh identity token.

infoRequestParameters   PFGetPlayerCombinedInfoRequestParams const*
may be nullptr

(Optional) Flags for which pieces of info to return for the user.

playerSecret   const char*
is null-terminated

(Optional) Player secret that is used to verify API request signatures (Enterprise Only).


Header: PFAuthenticationTypes.h

See also

PFAuthenticationTypes members