
Information specific to the MemberAdded type of state change.


struct PFLobbyMemberAddedStateChange : PFLobbyStateChange {  
    PFLobbyHandle lobby;  
    PFEntityKey member;  


lobby   PFLobbyHandle
must not be null

The lobby the new member was added to.

member   PFEntityKey

The PlayFab entity which is now a member of the lobby.


This state change will be generated by all operations which add members to lobbies such as PFMultiplayerCreateAndJoinLobby, PFMultiplayerJoinLobby, and PFLobbyAddMember.

When this state change is provided by PFMultiplayerStartProcessingLobbyStateChanges the lobby will update to reflect the new member in the member list and the member's initial properties will become queryable.


Header: PFLobby.h

See also

PFLobby members