The C# Sample in this topic are written for the Unity SDK. The Unity SDK uses an event driven model to handle non-synchronous tasks. To run the sample code using the standard C# or Xamarin C# SDKs you must modify the code to use an async Task model. Methods that must be modified have Async append to the method name in the signature. For example, SetObject in the Unity SDK becomes SetObjectAsync in the standard C# SDK. For more information, see Asynchronous programming with async and await.
CloudScript code example
You must be very careful to ensure the security of your server API calls in CloudScript. The following code demonstrates modifying a piece of read-only player data from CloudScript safely.
The goal of this module is to review how to achieve common user experience automation procedures through Client Script. This module is intended to serve as a practical guide for how to solve real-world scenarios that are frequently encountered during Microsoft Power Platform implementations.