Content & Configuration Writes
Content & Configuration files include the following items: entity files, actions, rules, scheduled tasks, matchmaking, push notifications, emails, and title news. Content & Configuration files are a set of key/value pairs that are primarily used to manage configuration for your game remotely.
The following APIs cause the Content & Configuration writes meter to increment.
Admin APIs
AddLocalizedNews Update news item to include localized version
AddNews Adds a new news item to the title's news feed
DeleteContent Delete a content file from the title. When deleting a file that does not exist, it returns success.
-ResetPassword Reset a player's password for a given title.
SetupPushNotification Sets the Amazon Resource Name (ARN) for iOS and Android push notifications. Documentation on the exact restrictions can be found at: Currently, Amazon device Messaging is not supported.
UpdatePolicy Changes a policy for a title
Data APIs
FinalizeFileUploads Finalize file uploads to an entity's profile.
DeleteFiles Delete files on an entity's profile.
InitiateFileUploads Initiates file uploads to an entity's profile.
Server APIs
DeletePushNotificationTemplate Deletes push notification template for title
SavePushNotificationTemplate Saves push notification template for title