Player encryption services

Player shared secrets

Player shared secrets is a new type of pseudo-secret key, which is shared amongst game clients. Using an API, it can be traded for the public RSA key of the title, and can be used to perform account registration.

Titles can have multiple player shared keys, and can set them up and revoke them at will, via the Admin API calls Create, Update, Delete, List.

Player shared secrets should be baked into the respective clients, as there are no client APIs to retrieve them - either authenticated or otherwise.

Title public key

The player shared secret is then sent to GetTitlePublicKey. If the key is valid, the API returns a Base 64 encoded RSA CSP blob byte array that can encrypt 237 bytes of data.

All APIs that allow accounts to be created, now accept posting a registration request as an encrypted payload to the EncryptedRequest field.


The standard fields TitleId, InfoRequestParameters and CreateAccount should not be included in the encrypted payload.

Using title public key to register

Here's example code to register a player using LoginWithCustomID and the title public key.

var titleKeyResult = PlayFabClientAPI.GetTitlePublicKey(new GetTitlePublicKeyRequest{ TitleId = "TITLE", TitleSharedSecret = "player shared secret" });

var cspBlob = Convert.FromBase64String(titleKeyResult.RSAPublicKey);

var encryptionModel = JsonConvert.SearializeObject(new LoginWithCustomIDRequest

    CustomID = "my player's custom id",
    PlayerSecret = "my player's individual secret"

string encryptedPayload;

using (var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider())
    var bytesToEncrypt = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(encryptionModel);
    var encryptedBytes = rsa.Encrypt(bytesToEncrypt, false);
    encryptedPayload = Convert.ToBase64String(encryptedBytes);

var postModel = new LoginWithCustomIDRequest
    TitleId = "TITLEID",
    EncryptedRequest = encryptedPayload,
    CreateAccount = True

var createAccountResult = PlayFabClientAPI.LoginWithCustomID(postModel);

Player secret

A part of the new registration system is a new field called PlayerSecret. If set, it allows you to sign request headers that is validated by the server during API calls to all services, including Login Requests.

The player secret can only be set once per user per title. A user with multiple titles in the same studio needs to set the player secret for each one.

If the player secret isn't already set during registration, it's possible to set it by calling SetPlayerSecret. There are admin and server APIs that allow setting the player secret to a new value even if it has previously been set.


Once set, the player secret should be stored securely on the device, as it's not recoverable if lost, and no APIs exist to recover it.

Using player secret to sign API requests

The following code example constructs a signature header that can be used to sign API requests. The format for the signature header is shown below.


var postModel = new LoginWithCustomIDRequest

    TitleId = "TITLEID",
    CustomID =  "my player's custom id",
    CreateAccount = False

string signatureHeader;
string timestampHeader = DateTime.UtcNow.ToString("O");

string playerSecret; // the player secret that was sent during registration.

 using (var hash = new SHA256Managed())
    var bytesToHash = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(postModel)+"." + timestampHeader + "." + playerSecret);
    signatureHeader = hash.ComputeHash(bytesToHash);

var customHeaders = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "X-PlayFab-Signature", signatureHeader },
    { "X-PlayFab-Timestamp", timestampHeader }

var loginResult = PLayFabClientAPI.LoginWithCustomID(postModel, customHeaders);

Using a policy enforcement

API Policies can now be used to enforce these scenarios.

  • A client request is an encrypted payload.
  • A client request contains signed headers.

Even without using the policy enforcement, if an encrypted payload is sent (or the headers are sent), they'll be validated. If they aren't properly formed, an error occurs.

To create a policy to require headers on a specific API, use a Deny statement. This creates a policy requiring headers on all calls you can place that aren't permitted by the Allow statement.

Policy statements have a property called ApiConditions. ApiConditions contains a property called HasSignatureOrEncryption, which is an enum with three possible values:

  • Any
  • True
  • False


The default (if it is not set by the policy), is Any.

The following example policy allows all API calls (except unencrypted or missing header calls) to LoginWithCustomID.

    "PolicyName": "ApiPolicy",
    "OverwritePolicy": true,
            "Comment": "Require Headers on LoginWithCustomID",
            "Action": "*",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Effect": "Deny",
            "Resource": "pfrn:api--/Client/LoginWithCustomID",
            "ApiConditions": { "HasSignatureOrEncryption": "False" }
            "Comment": "Allow the rest policy",
            "Action": "*",
            "Principal": "*",
            "Effect": "Allow",
            "Resource": "pfrn:api--*"

The Deny statement above contains HasSignatureOrEncryption: False. This means that all requests that don't have signature or encryption are rejected. In other words, all requests that have signature headers or encryption are allowed based on the Allow the rest policy.