accessReviewStageSettings resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents the settings of the stages that are associated with a multi-stage access review object.


Property Type Description
decisionsThatWillMoveToNextStage String collection Indicate which decisions will go to the next stage. Can be a subset of Approve, Deny, Recommendation, or NotReviewed. If not provided, all decisions will go to the next stage. Optional.
dependsOn String collection Defines the sequential or parallel order of the stages and depends on the stageId. Only sequential stages are currently supported. For example, if stageId is 2, then dependsOn must be 1. If stageId is 1, don't specify dependsOn. Required if stageId isn't 1.
durationInDays Int32 The duration of the stage. Required.

NOTE: The cumulative value of this property across all stages
1. Will override the instanceDurationInDays setting on the accessReviewScheduleDefinition object.
2. Can't exceed the length of one recurrence. That is, if the review recurs weekly, the cumulative durationInDays can't exceed 7.
fallbackReviewers accessReviewReviewerScope collection If provided, the fallback reviewers are asked to complete a review if the primary reviewers don't exist. For example, if managers are selected as reviewers and a principal under review doesn't have a manager in Microsoft Entra ID, the fallback reviewers are asked to review that principal.

NOTE: The value of this property overrides the corresponding setting on the accessReviewScheduleDefinition object.
recommendationsEnabled Boolean Indicates whether showing recommendations to reviewers is enabled. Required.

NOTE: The value of this property overrides override the corresponding setting on the accessReviewScheduleDefinition object.
recommendationInsightsSettings accessReviewRecommendationInsightSetting collection Determines which recommendations to show to reviewers.

NOTE: The value of this property overrides the corresponding setting on the accessReviewScheduleDefinition object.
recommendationLookBackDuration Duration Optional field. Indicates the time period of inactivity (with respect to the start date of the review instance) that recommendations will be configured from. The recommendation is to deny if the user is inactive during the look back duration. For reviews of groups and Microsoft Entra roles, any duration is accepted. For reviews of applications, 30 days is the maximum duration. If not specified, the duration is 30 days.

NOTE: The value of this property overrides the corresponding setting on the accessReviewScheduleDefinition object.
reviewers accessReviewReviewerScope collection Defines who the reviewers are. If none is specified, the review is a self-review (users review their own access). For examples of options for assigning reviewers, see Assign reviewers to your access review definition using the Microsoft Graph API.

NOTE: The value of this property overrides the corresponding setting on the accessReviewScheduleDefinition.
stageId String Unique identifier of the accessReviewStageSettings object. The stageId is used by the dependsOn property to indicate the order of the stages. Required.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.accessReviewStageSettings",
  "stageId": "String",
  "dependsOn": [
  "durationInDays": "Integer",
  "recommendationsEnabled": "Boolean",
  "recommendationLookBackDuration": "String (duration)",
  "decisionsThatWillMoveToNextStage": [
  "reviewers": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.accessReviewReviewerScope"
  "fallbackReviewers": [
      "@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.accessReviewReviewerScope"