Working with the authentication methods usage report API

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

The authentication methods usage reports help you understand how users in your organization are using Microsoft Entra authentication capabilities such as multifactor authentication (MFA), Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR), and Passwordless authentication.

These reports provide information such as:

  • How many users are registered for each authentication method
  • How many users are registered for features such as multifactor authentication (MFA), Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR), and Passwordless authentication.
  • The failure rates of each authentication method


A Microsoft Entra ID P1 or P2 license is required to access usage and insights. Microsoft Entra multifactor authentication and self-service password reset (SSPR) licensing information can be found on the Microsoft Entra pricing site.

Common requests

The following table lists some common requests that you can use with this API.

Operation Try in Graph Explorer Description
getCredentialUserRegistrationcount GET /credentialuserregistrationcount Get the number of users registered for self-service password reset and MFA.
getCredentialUsageSummary GET /credentialusagesummary Get the number of users using self-service password reset.
credentialUserRegistrationDetails (deprecated) GET /credentialuserregistrationdetails Get the user details for self-service password reset and MFA registration activities.
userCredentialUsageDetails GET /usercredentialusagedetails Get user details for all self-service password reset activities.
usersRegisteredByFeature GET /authenticationMethods/usersRegisteredByFeature Get the number of users capable of multifactor authentication, self-service password reset and passwordless authentication.
usersRegisteredByMethod GET /authenticationMethods/usersRegisteredByMethod Get the number of users registered for each authentication method.
userRegistrationDetails GET /authenticationMethods/userRegistrationDetails Get the MFA registration details for all users.