authorizationPolicy resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

Represents a policy that can control Microsoft Entra authorization settings. It's a singleton that inherits from base policy type, and always exists for the tenant.


Method Return Type Description
Get authorizationPolicy Read the authorizationPolicy object.
Update None Update the authorizationPolicy object.


Property Type Description
allowedToSignUpEmailBasedSubscriptions Boolean Indicates whether users can sign up for email based subscriptions.
allowedToUseSSPR Boolean Indicates whether administrators of the tenant can use the Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR). For more information, see Self-service password reset for administrators.
allowEmailVerifiedUsersToJoinOrganization Boolean Indicates whether a user can join the tenant by email validation.
allowInvitesFrom allowInvitesFrom Indicates who can invite guests to the organization. Possible values are: none, adminsAndGuestInviters, adminsGuestInvitersAndAllMembers, everyone. everyone is the default setting for all cloud environments except US Government. For more information, see allowInvitesFrom values.
allowUserConsentForRiskyApps Boolean Indicates whether user consent for risky apps is allowed. Default value is false. We recommend that you keep the value set to false.
blockMsolPowerShell Boolean To disable the use of the MSOnline PowerShell module set this property to true. This also disables user-based access to the legacy service endpoint used by the MSOnline PowerShell module. This doesn't affect Microsoft Entra Connect or Microsoft Graph.
defaultUserRolePermissions defaultUserRolePermissions Specifies certain customizable permissions for default user role.
description String Description of this policy.
displayName String Display name for this policy.
enabledPreviewFeatures String collection List of features enabled for private preview on the tenant.
guestUserRoleId Guid Represents role templateId for the role that should be granted to guests. Refer to List unifiedRoleDefinitions to find the list of available role templates. Currently following roles are supported: User (a0b1b346-4d3e-4e8b-98f8-753987be4970), Guest User (10dae51f-b6af-4016-8d66-8c2a99b929b3), and Restricted Guest User (2af84b1e-32c8-42b7-82bc-daa82404023b).
id String ID of the authorization policy. Required. Read-only.
permissionGrantPolicyIdsAssignedToDefaultUserRole String collection Indicates if user consent to apps is allowed, and if it is, the app consent policy that governs the permission for users to grant consent. Values should be in the format managePermissionGrantsForSelf.{id} for user consent policies or managePermissionGrantsForOwnedResource.{id} for resource-specific consent policies, where {id} is the id of a built-in or custom app consent policy. An empty list indicates user consent to apps is disabled.

allowInvitesFrom values

Member Description
none Prevent everyone, including admins, from inviting guests. Default setting for US Government.
adminsAndGuestInviters Allow members of Global Administrator, User Administrator, and Guest Inviter roles to invite guests.
adminsGuestInvitersAndAllMembers Allow the above admin roles and all other User role members to invite guests.
everyone Allow everyone in the organization, including guests, to invite guests. The default setting for all cloud environments except US Government.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "allowEmailVerifiedUsersToJoinOrganization": "Boolean",
  "allowInvitesFrom": "String",
  "allowUserConsentForRiskyApps": "Boolean",
  "allowedToSignUpEmailBasedSubscriptions": "Boolean",
  "allowedToUseSSPR": "Boolean",
  "blockMsolPowerShell": "Boolean",
  "defaultUserRolePermissions": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.defaultUserRolePermissions"},
  "description": "String",
  "displayName": "String",
  "enabledPreviewFeatures": "[String]",
  "guestUserRoleId": "Guid",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "permissionGrantPolicyIdsAssignedToDefaultUserRole": "[String]"