cloudPcDisasterRecoveryCapability resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


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Represents the disaster recovery status of a Cloud PC, including the primary region, secondary region, and capability type.


Property Type Description
capabilityType cloudPcDisasterRecoveryCapabilityType The disaster recovery action that can be performed for the Cloud PC. The possible values are: none, failover, failback, unknownFutureValue.
primaryRegion String The primary and mainly used region where the Cloud PC is located.
secondaryRegion String The secondary region to which the Cloud PC can be failed over during a regional outage.

cloudPcDisasterRecoveryCapabilityType values

Member Description
none Indicates that the Cloud PC device doesn't support any cross-region disaster recovery action.
failover Indicates that the cloudPcBulkDisasterRecoveryFailover action is currently supported for the Cloud PC.
failback Indicates that the cloudPcBulkDisasterRecoveryFailback action is currently supported for the Cloud PC.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.cloudPcDisasterRecoveryCapability",
  "capabilityType": "String",
  "primaryRegion": "String",
  "secondaryRegion": "String"