conditionalAccessRoot resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

The conditionalAccessRoot resource is the entry point for the Conditional Access (CA) object model. It doesn't contain any usable properties.

For more information on Conditional Access in Microsoft Entra ID, see What is Conditional Access?






Relationship Type Description
authenticationContextClassReferences authenticationContextClassReference collection Read-only. Nullable. Returns a collection of the specified authentication context class references.
namedLocations namedLocation collection Read-only. Nullable. Returns a collection of the specified named locations.
policies conditionalAccessPolicy collection Read-only. Nullable. Returns a collection of the specified Conditional Access (CA) policies.
templates conditionalAccessTemplate collection Read-only. Nullable. Returns a collection of the specified Conditional Access templates.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.conditionalAccessRoot"