customExtensionStageSetting resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Defines when to execute a accessPackageAssignmentRequestWorkflowExtension or accessPackageAssignmentWorkflowExtension object.

Inherits from entity.

To read the customExtensionStageSettings objects on a policy, append ?$expand=customExtensionStageSettings($expand=customExtension) to a GET accessPackageAssignmentPolicy request. For example, GET$expand=customExtensionStageSettings($expand=customExtension). For more information, see Example 2: Retrieve the custom extension stage settings for a policy.

To delete the customExtensionStageSettings objects from a policy, call the Update accessPackageAssignmentPolicy and specify the customExtensionHandlers property as an empty collection. For more information, see Example 2: Remove the customExtensionStageSettings from a policy.




Property Type Description
id String Identifier of the stage. Inherited from entity.
stage accessPackageCustomExtensionStage Indicates the stage of the access package assignment request workflow when the access package custom extension runs. The possible values are: assignmentRequestCreated, assignmentRequestApproved, assignmentRequestGranted, assignmentRequestRemoved, assignmentFourteenDaysBeforeExpiration, assignmentOneDayBeforeExpiration, unknownFutureValue.


Relationship Type Description
customExtension customCalloutExtension Indicates the custom workflow extension that will be executed at this stage. Nullable. Supports $expand.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.customExtensionStageSetting",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "stage": "String"