topTasksInsightsSummary resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph.identityGovernance
Represents a summary of the top tasks ran within a tenant, including total, failed, and successful tasks and user processing history.
Property | Type | Description |
failedTasks | Int32 | Count of failed runs of the task. |
failedUsers | Int32 | Count of failed users who were processed by the task. |
successfulTasks | Int32 | Count of successful runs of the task. |
successfulUsers | Int32 | Count of successful users processed by the task. |
taskDefinitionDisplayName | String | The name of the task. |
taskDefinitionId | String | The task ID. |
totalTasks | Int32 | Count of total runs of the task. |
totalUsers | Int32 | Count of total users processed by the task. |
JSON representation
The following JSON representation shows the resource type.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.topTasksInsightsSummary",
"taskDefinitionId": "String",
"taskDefinitionDisplayName": "String",
"totalTasks": "Integer",
"successfulTasks": "Integer",
"failedTasks": "Integer",
"totalUsers": "Integer",
"successfulUsers": "Integer",
"failedUsers": "Integer"