userSummary resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.identityGovernance

A summary of user processing results for a specified time period. This summary allows the administrator to get a quick overview based on counts.


Property Type Description
failedTasks Int32 The number of failed tasks for users in a user summary.
failedUsers Int32 The number of failed users in a user summary.
successfulUsers Int32 The number of successful users in a user summary.
totalTasks Int32 The total tasks of users in a user summary.
totalUsers Int32 The total number of users in a user summary



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.identityGovernance.userSummary",
  "failedTasks": "Integer",
  "failedUsers": "Integer",
  "successfulUsers": "Integer",
  "totalTasks": "Integer",
  "totalUsers": "Integer"