mobileAppRelationshipState resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Describes the installation status details of the child app in the context of UPN and device id. This will be deprecated in May, 2023
Property | Type | Description |
sourceIds | String collection | The collection of source mobile app's ids. |
targetId | String | The related target app's id. |
targetDisplayName | String | The related target app's display name. |
deviceId | String | The corresponding device id. |
installState | resultantAppState | The install state of the app of target app. Possible values are: installed , failed , notInstalled , uninstallFailed , pendingInstall , unknown , notApplicable . |
installStateDetail | resultantAppStateDetail | The install state detail of the app. Possible values are: noAdditionalDetails , dependencyFailedToInstall , dependencyWithRequirementsNotMet , dependencyPendingReboot , dependencyWithAutoInstallDisabled , supersededAppUninstallFailed , supersededAppUninstallPendingReboot , removingSupersededApps , iosAppStoreUpdateFailedToInstall , vppAppHasUpdateAvailable , userRejectedUpdate , uninstallPendingReboot , supersedingAppsDetected , supersededAppsDetected , seeInstallErrorCode , autoInstallDisabled , managedAppNoLongerPresent , userRejectedInstall , userIsNotLoggedIntoAppStore , untargetedSupersedingAppsDetected , appRemovedBySupersedence , seeUninstallErrorCode , pendingReboot , installingDependencies , contentDownloaded , supersedingAppsNotApplicable , powerShellScriptRequirementNotMet , registryRequirementNotMet , fileSystemRequirementNotMet , platformNotApplicable , minimumCpuSpeedNotMet , minimumLogicalProcessorCountNotMet , minimumPhysicalMemoryNotMet , minimumOsVersionNotMet , minimumDiskSpaceNotMet , processorArchitectureNotApplicable . |
errorCode | Int32 | The error code for install or uninstall failures of target app. |
targetLastSyncDateTime | DateTimeOffset | The last sync time of the target app. |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.mobileAppRelationshipState",
"sourceIds": [
"targetId": "String",
"targetDisplayName": "String",
"deviceId": "String",
"installState": "String",
"installStateDetail": "String",
"errorCode": 1024,
"targetLastSyncDateTime": "String (timestamp)"