win32LobAppMsiInformation resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Contains MSI app properties for a Win32 App.


Property Type Description
productCode String The MSI product code.
productVersion String The MSI product version.
upgradeCode String The MSI upgrade code.
requiresReboot Boolean Whether the MSI app requires the machine to reboot to complete installation.
packageType win32LobAppMsiPackageType The MSI package type. Possible values are: perMachine, perUser, dualPurpose.
productName String The MSI product name.
publisher String The MSI publisher.



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.win32LobAppMsiInformation",
  "productCode": "String",
  "productVersion": "String",
  "upgradeCode": "String",
  "requiresReboot": true,
  "packageType": "String",
  "productName": "String",
  "publisher": "String"