managedDeviceEncryptionState resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Encryption report per device
Method | Return Type | Description |
List managedDeviceEncryptionStates | managedDeviceEncryptionState collection | List properties and relationships of the managedDeviceEncryptionState objects. |
Get managedDeviceEncryptionState | managedDeviceEncryptionState | Read properties and relationships of the managedDeviceEncryptionState object. |
Create managedDeviceEncryptionState | managedDeviceEncryptionState | Create a new managedDeviceEncryptionState object. |
Delete managedDeviceEncryptionState | None | Deletes a managedDeviceEncryptionState. |
Update managedDeviceEncryptionState | managedDeviceEncryptionState | Update the properties of a managedDeviceEncryptionState object. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Key of the entity. |
userPrincipalName | String | User name |
deviceType | deviceTypes | Platform of the device. Possible values are: desktop , windowsRT , winMO6 , nokia , windowsPhone , mac , winCE , winEmbedded , iPhone , iPad , iPod , android , iSocConsumer , unix , macMDM , holoLens , surfaceHub , androidForWork , androidEnterprise , blackberry , palm , unknown . |
osVersion | String | Operating system version of the device |
tpmSpecificationVersion | String | Device TPM Version |
deviceName | String | Device name |
encryptionReadinessState | encryptionReadinessState | Encryption readiness state. Possible values are: notReady , ready . |
encryptionState | encryptionState | Device encryption state. Possible values are: notEncrypted , encrypted . |
encryptionPolicySettingState | complianceStatus | Encryption policy setting state. Possible values are: unknown , notApplicable , compliant , remediated , nonCompliant , error , conflict , notAssigned . |
advancedBitLockerStates | advancedBitLockerState | Advanced BitLocker State. Possible values are: success , noUserConsent , osVolumeUnprotected , osVolumeTpmRequired , osVolumeTpmOnlyRequired , osVolumeTpmPinRequired , osVolumeTpmStartupKeyRequired , osVolumeTpmPinStartupKeyRequired , osVolumeEncryptionMethodMismatch , recoveryKeyBackupFailed , fixedDriveNotEncrypted , fixedDriveEncryptionMethodMismatch , loggedOnUserNonAdmin , windowsRecoveryEnvironmentNotConfigured , tpmNotAvailable , tpmNotReady , networkError . |
fileVaultStates | fileVaultState | FileVault State. Possible values are: success , driveEncryptedByUser , userDeferredEncryption , escrowNotEnabled . |
policyDetails | encryptionReportPolicyDetails collection | Policy Details |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.managedDeviceEncryptionState",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"userPrincipalName": "String",
"deviceType": "String",
"osVersion": "String",
"tpmSpecificationVersion": "String",
"deviceName": "String",
"encryptionReadinessState": "String",
"encryptionState": "String",
"encryptionPolicySettingState": "String",
"advancedBitLockerStates": "String",
"fileVaultStates": "String",
"policyDetails": [
"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.encryptionReportPolicyDetails",
"policyId": "String",
"policyName": "String"