managementState enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Management state of device in Microsoft Intune.


Member Value Description
managed 0 The device is under management
retirePending 1 A retire command is occuring on the device and in the process of unenrolling from management
retireFailed 2 Retire command failed on the device
wipePending 3 A wipe command is occuring on the device and in the process of unenrolling from management
wipeFailed 4 Wipe command failed on the device
unhealthy 5 The device is unhealthy.
deletePending 6 A delete command is occuring on the device
retireIssued 7 A retire command was issued for the device
wipeIssued 8 A wipe command was issued for the device
wipeCanceled 9 A wipe command for this device has been canceled
retireCanceled 10 A retire command for this device has been canceled
discovered 11 The device is discovered but not fully enrolled.