userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
The user experience analytics resource performance entity.
Method | Return Type | Description |
List userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformances | userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance collection | List properties and relationships of the userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance objects. |
Get userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance | userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance | Read properties and relationships of the userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance object. |
Create userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance | userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance | Create a new userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance object. |
Delete userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance | None | Deletes a userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance. |
Update userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance | userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance | Update the properties of a userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance object. |
summarizeDeviceResourcePerformance function | userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance collection |
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | The unique identifier of the user experience analytics resource performance entity. |
deviceId | String | The id of the device. |
deviceName | String | The name of the device. |
model | String | The user experience analytics device model. |
deviceCount | Int64 | User experience analytics summarized device count. |
manufacturer | String | The user experience analytics device manufacturer. |
cpuSpikeTimePercentage | Double | CPU spike time in percentage. Valid values 0 to 100 |
ramSpikeTimePercentage | Double | RAM spike time in percentage. Valid values 0 to 100 |
cpuSpikeTimeScore | Int32 | The user experience analytics device CPU spike time score. Valid values 0 to 100 |
cpuSpikeTimePercentageThreshold | Double | Threshold of cpuSpikeTimeScore. Valid values 0 to 100 |
ramSpikeTimeScore | Int32 | The user experience analytics device RAM spike time score. Valid values 0 to 100 |
ramSpikeTimePercentageThreshold | Double | Threshold of ramSpikeTimeScore. Valid values 0 to 100 |
deviceResourcePerformanceScore | Int32 | Resource performance score of a specific device. Valid values 0 to 100 |
averageSpikeTimeScore | Int32 | AverageSpikeTimeScore of a device or a model type. Valid values 0 to 100 |
machineType | userExperienceAnalyticsMachineType | Helps to identify if device is a physical device or virtual. Possible values are: unknown , physical , virtual , unknownFutureValue . |
cpuDisplayName | String | The name of the processor on the device, For example, 11th Gen Intel(R) Core(TM) i7. |
totalProcessorCoreCount | Int32 | The count of cores of the processor of device. Valid values 0 to 512 |
cpuClockSpeedInMHz | Double | The clock speed of the processor, in MHz. Valid values 0 to 1000000 |
totalRamInMB | Double | The total RAM of the device, in MB. Valid values 0 to 1000000 |
diskType | diskType | The type of disk storage used on the device. Possible values are: unknown , hdd , ssd , unknownFutureValue . |
healthStatus | userExperienceAnalyticsHealthState | The health state of the user experience analytics model. Possible values are: unknown , insufficientData , needsAttention , meetingGoals , unknownFutureValue . |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.userExperienceAnalyticsResourcePerformance",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"deviceId": "String",
"deviceName": "String",
"model": "String",
"deviceCount": 1024,
"manufacturer": "String",
"cpuSpikeTimePercentage": "4.2",
"ramSpikeTimePercentage": "4.2",
"cpuSpikeTimeScore": 1024,
"cpuSpikeTimePercentageThreshold": "4.2",
"ramSpikeTimeScore": 1024,
"ramSpikeTimePercentageThreshold": "4.2",
"deviceResourcePerformanceScore": 1024,
"averageSpikeTimeScore": 1024,
"machineType": "String",
"cpuDisplayName": "String",
"totalProcessorCoreCount": 1024,
"cpuClockSpeedInMHz": "4.2",
"totalRamInMB": "4.2",
"diskType": "String",
"healthStatus": "String"