windowsDefenderProductStatus enum type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Product Status of Windows Defender
Member | Value | Description |
noStatus | 0 | No status |
serviceNotRunning | 1 | Service not running |
serviceStartedWithoutMalwareProtection | 2 | Service started without any malware protection engine |
pendingFullScanDueToThreatAction | 4 | Pending full scan due to threat action |
pendingRebootDueToThreatAction | 8 | Pending reboot due to threat action |
pendingManualStepsDueToThreatAction | 16 | Pending manual steps due to threat action |
avSignaturesOutOfDate | 32 | AV signatures out of date |
asSignaturesOutOfDate | 64 | AS signatures out of date |
noQuickScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod | 128 | No quick scan has happened for a specified period |
noFullScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod | 256 | No full scan has happened for a specified period |
systemInitiatedScanInProgress | 512 | System initiated scan in progress |
systemInitiatedCleanInProgress | 1024 | System initiated clean in progress |
samplesPendingSubmission | 2048 | There are samples pending submission |
productRunningInEvaluationMode | 4096 | Product running in evaluation mode |
productRunningInNonGenuineMode | 8192 | Product running in non-genuine Windows mode |
productExpired | 16384 | Product expired |
offlineScanRequired | 32768 | Off-line scan required |
serviceShutdownAsPartOfSystemShutdown | 65536 | Service is shutting down as part of system shutdown |
threatRemediationFailedCritically | 131072 | Threat remediation failed critically |
threatRemediationFailedNonCritically | 262144 | Threat remediation failed non-critically |
noStatusFlagsSet | 524288 | No status flags set (well initialized state) |
platformOutOfDate | 1048576 | Platform is out of date |
platformUpdateInProgress | 2097152 | Platform update is in progress |
platformAboutToBeOutdated | 4194304 | Platform is about to be outdated |
signatureOrPlatformEndOfLifeIsPastOrIsImpending | 8388608 | Signature or platform end of life is past or is impending |
windowsSModeSignaturesInUseOnNonWin10SInstall | 16777216 | Windows SMode signatures still in use on non-Win10S install |
The "ProductStatus" is a bit-mask flag value. Thus, the values can represent one or multiple product states from the list above.
Examples of multiple product states:
524800 = 524288 (noStatusFlagsSet) + 512 (systemInitiatedScanInProgress) = 0x00080200
524544 = 524288 (noStatusFlagsSet) + 256 (noFullScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod) = 0x00080100
524416 = 524288 (noStatusFlagsSet) + 128 (noQuickScanHappenedForSpecifiedPeriod) = 0x00080080