elevationRequestApplicationDetail resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

The details of the application which the user has requested to elevate


Property Type Description
fileHash String The SHA256 hash of the file in the request for elevation, for example, '18ee24150dcb1d96752a4d6dd0f20dfd8ba8c38527e40aa8509b7adecf78f9c6'
fileName String The name of the file in the request for elevation, for example, git.exe
filePath String The path of the file in the request for elevation, for example, %programfiles%\git\cmd
fileDescription String The path of the file in the request for elevation, for example, %programfiles%\git\cmd
publisherName String The certificate issuer name of the certificate used to sign the application, for example, 'Sectigo Public Code Signing CA R36'
publisherCert String The list of base64 encoded certificate for each signer, for example, string[encoded_leaf_cert1, encoded_leaf_cert2....]
productName String The product name of the application for which elevation request has been made. For example, 'Git'
productInternalName String The internal name of the application for which elevation request has been made. For example, 'git'
productVersion String The product version of the application for which elevation request has been made. For example, ''



JSON Representation

Here is a JSON representation of the resource.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.elevationRequestApplicationDetail",
  "fileHash": "String",
  "fileName": "String",
  "filePath": "String",
  "fileDescription": "String",
  "publisherName": "String",
  "publisherCert": "String",
  "productName": "String",
  "productInternalName": "String",
  "productVersion": "String"