deviceEnrollmentConfigurationType enum type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.

Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.

Describes the TemplateFamily for the Template entity


Member Value Description
unknown 0 Default. Set to unknown if the configuration type cannot be determined.
limit 1 Indicates that configuration is of type limit which refers to number of devices a user is allowed to enroll.
platformRestrictions 2 Indicates that configuration is of type platform restriction which refers to types of devices a user is allowed to enroll.
windowsHelloForBusiness 3 Indicates that configuration is of type Windows Hello which refers to authentication method devices would use.
defaultLimit 4 Indicates that configuration is of type default limit which refers to types of devices a user is allowed to enroll by default.
defaultPlatformRestrictions 5 Indicates that configuration is of type default platform restriction which refers to types of devices a user is allowed to enroll by default.
defaultWindowsHelloForBusiness 6 Indicates that configuration is of type default Windows Hello which refers to authentication method devices would use by default.
defaultWindows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration 7 Indicates that configuration is of type default Enrollment status page which refers to startup page displayed during OOBE in Autopilot devices by default.
windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfiguration 8 Indicates that configuration is of type Enrollment status page which refers to startup page displayed during OOBE in Autopilot devices.
deviceComanagementAuthorityConfiguration 9 Indicates that configuration is of type Comanagement Authority which refers to policies applied to Co-Managed devices.
singlePlatformRestriction 10 Indicates that configuration is of type single platform restriction which refers to types of devices a user is allowed to enroll.
unknownFutureValue 11 Unknown future value
enrollmentNotificationsConfiguration 12 Indicates that configuration is of type Enrollment Notification which refers to types of notification a user receives during enrollment.