operationApprovalPolicyPlatform enum type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
The set of available platforms for the OperationApprovalPolicy. Allows configuration of a policy to specific platform(s) for approval. If no specific platform is required or applicable, the platform is notApplicable
Member | Value | Description |
notApplicable | 0 | Default. Indicates that a policy platform is not required for a chosen policy type. |
androidDeviceAdministrator | 1 | Indicates that the configured policy platform is for Android Device Administrator. |
androidEnterprise | 2 | Indicates that the configured policy platform is for Android Enterprise. |
iOSiPadOS | 4 | Indicates that the configured policy platform is for iOS/iPadOS. |
macOS | 8 | Indicates that the configured policy platform is for macOS. |
windows10AndLater | 16 | Indicates that the configured policy platform is for Windows 10 and later. |
windows81AndLater | 32 | Indicates that the configured policy platform is for Windows 8.1 and later. |
windows10X | 64 | Indicates that the configured policy platform is for Windows 10X. |
unknownFutureValue | 128 | Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Do not use. |