deviceManagementAutopilotEvent resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Represents an Autopilot flow event.
Method | Return Type | Description |
List deviceManagementAutopilotEvents | deviceManagementAutopilotEvent collection | List properties and relationships of the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent objects. |
Get deviceManagementAutopilotEvent | deviceManagementAutopilotEvent | Read properties and relationships of the deviceManagementAutopilotEvent object. |
Create deviceManagementAutopilotEvent | deviceManagementAutopilotEvent | Create a new deviceManagementAutopilotEvent object. |
Delete deviceManagementAutopilotEvent | None | Deletes a deviceManagementAutopilotEvent. |
Update deviceManagementAutopilotEvent | deviceManagementAutopilotEvent | Update the properties of a deviceManagementAutopilotEvent object. |
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | UUID for the object |
deviceId | String | Device id associated with the object |
userId | String | UserId id associated with the object |
eventDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Time when the event occurred . |
deviceRegisteredDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Device registration date. |
enrollmentStartDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Device enrollment start date. |
enrollmentType | windowsAutopilotEnrollmentType | Enrollment type. Possible values are: unknown , azureADJoinedWithAutopilotProfile , offlineDomainJoined , azureADJoinedUsingDeviceAuthWithAutopilotProfile , azureADJoinedUsingDeviceAuthWithoutAutopilotProfile , azureADJoinedWithOfflineAutopilotProfile , azureADJoinedWithWhiteGlove , offlineDomainJoinedWithWhiteGlove , offlineDomainJoinedWithOfflineAutopilotProfile . |
deviceSerialNumber | String | Device serial number. |
managedDeviceName | String | Managed device name. |
userPrincipalName | String | User principal name used to enroll the device. |
windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfileDisplayName | String | Autopilot profile name. |
enrollmentState | enrollmentState | Enrollment state like Enrolled, Failed. Possible values are: unknown , enrolled , pendingReset , failed , notContacted , blocked . |
windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfigurationDisplayName | String | Enrollment Status Page profile name |
windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfigurationId | String | Enrollment Status Page profile ID |
deploymentState | windowsAutopilotDeploymentState | Deployment state like Success, Failure, InProgress, SuccessWithTimeout. Possible values are: unknown , success , inProgress , failure , successWithTimeout , notAttempted , disabled , successOnRetry . |
deviceSetupStatus | windowsAutopilotDeploymentState | Deployment status for the enrollment status page’s device setup phase. Possible values are: unknown , success , inProgress , failure , successWithTimeout , notAttempted , disabled , successOnRetry . |
accountSetupStatus | windowsAutopilotDeploymentState | Deployment status for the enrollment status page’s account setup phase. Possible values are: unknown , success , inProgress , failure , successWithTimeout , notAttempted , disabled , successOnRetry . |
osVersion | String | Device operating system version. |
deploymentDuration | Duration | Autopilot deployment duration including enrollment. |
deploymentTotalDuration | Duration | Total deployment duration from enrollment to Desktop screen. |
deviceSetupDuration | Duration | Time spent in device ESP. |
accountSetupDuration | Duration | Time spent in user ESP. |
deploymentStartDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Deployment start time. |
deploymentEndDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Deployment end time. |
enrollmentFailureDetails | String | Enrollment failure details. |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.deviceManagementAutopilotEvent",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"deviceId": "String",
"userId": "String",
"eventDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"deviceRegisteredDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"enrollmentStartDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"enrollmentType": "String",
"deviceSerialNumber": "String",
"managedDeviceName": "String",
"userPrincipalName": "String",
"windowsAutopilotDeploymentProfileDisplayName": "String",
"enrollmentState": "String",
"windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfigurationDisplayName": "String",
"windows10EnrollmentCompletionPageConfigurationId": "String",
"deploymentState": "String",
"deviceSetupStatus": "String",
"accountSetupStatus": "String",
"osVersion": "String",
"deploymentDuration": "String (duration)",
"deploymentTotalDuration": "String (duration)",
"deviceSetupDuration": "String (duration)",
"accountSetupDuration": "String (duration)",
"deploymentStartDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"deploymentEndDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"enrollmentFailureDetails": "String"