windowsDefenderApplicationControlSupplementalPolicyDeploymentStatus resource type
Namespace: microsoft.graph
Important: Microsoft Graph APIs under the /beta version are subject to change; production use is not supported.
Note: The Microsoft Graph API for Intune requires an active Intune license for the tenant.
Contains properties for the deployment state of a WindowsDefenderApplicationControl supplemental policy for a device.
Property | Type | Description |
id | String | Key of the entity. |
deviceName | String | Device name. |
deviceId | String | Device ID. |
lastSyncDateTime | DateTimeOffset | Last sync date time. |
osVersion | String | Windows OS Version. |
osDescription | String | Windows OS Version Description. |
deploymentStatus | windowsDefenderApplicationControlSupplementalPolicyStatuses | The deployment state of the policy. Possible values are: unknown , success , tokenError , notAuthorizedByToken , policyNotFound . |
userName | String | The name of the user of this device. |
userPrincipalName | String | User Principal Name. |
policyVersion | String | Human readable version of the WindowsDefenderApplicationControl supplemental policy. |
Relationship | Type | Description |
policy | windowsDefenderApplicationControlSupplementalPolicy | The navigation link to the WindowsDefenderApplicationControl supplemental policy. |
JSON Representation
Here is a JSON representation of the resource.
"@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.windowsDefenderApplicationControlSupplementalPolicyDeploymentStatus",
"id": "String (identifier)",
"deviceName": "String",
"deviceId": "String",
"lastSyncDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
"osVersion": "String",
"osDescription": "String",
"deploymentStatus": "String",
"userName": "String",
"userPrincipalName": "String",
"policyVersion": "String"