m365AppsInstallationOptions resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph

Represents the tenant-level installation options for Microsoft 365 apps. You can specify how often users get feature updates and the Microsoft 365 apps they can install.


Method Return type Description
Get m365AppsInstallationOptions m365AppsInstallationOptions Get the tenant-level installation options for Microsoft 365 apps.
Update m365AppsInstallationOptions None Update tenant-level installation options for Microsoft 365 apps.


Property Type Description
appsForMac appsInstallationOptionsForMac The Microsoft 365 apps installation options container object for a MAC platform.
appsForWindows appsInstallationOptionsForWindows The Microsoft 365 apps installation options container object for a Windows platform.
updateChannel appsUpdateChannelType Specifies how often users get feature updates for Microsoft 365 apps installed on devices running Windows. The possible values are: current, monthlyEnterprise, or semiAnnual, with corresponding update frequencies of As soon as they're ready, Once a month, and Every six months. Include the Prefer: include-unknown-enum-members header to explicitly request for enum values beyond unknownFutureValue.

appsUpdateChannelType values

Member Description
current New Microsoft 365 features as they become available. Updates are released at least once a month, and there isn't a fixed schedule.
monthlyEnterprise New Microsoft 365 features on a predictable schedule, with updates released on the second Tuesday of every month.
semiAnnual For specific devices that require extensive testing before deploying new Microsoft 365 features due to regulatory, governmental, or organizational requirements. Updates are released on the second Tuesday of every month.
unknownFutureValue Evolvable enumeration sentinel value. Don't use.

JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.m365AppsInstallationOptions",
  "updateChannel": "String",
  "appsForWindows": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.appsInstallationOptionsForWindows"},
  "appsForMac": {"@odata.type": "microsoft.graph.appsInstallationOptionsForMac"}