windowsDeviceMalwareState resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph.managedTenants


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Represents the state of discovered malware for devices runnings Windows that have been registered for management.


Method Return type Description
List Windows device malware states microsoft.graph.managedTenants.windowsDeviceMalwareState collection Get a list of the windowsDeviceMalwareState objects and their properties.
Get Windows device malware state microsoft.graph.managedTenants.windowsDeviceMalwareState Read the properties and relationships of a windowsDeviceMalwareState object.


Property Type Description
additionalInformationUrl String The additional information URL for the discovered malware. Optional. Read-only.
detectionCount Int32 The number of times the piece of malware has been detected. Optional. Read-only.
deviceDeleted Boolean A flag indicating whether the device has been deleted. Optional. Read-only.
id String The unique identifier for the device malware state. Required. Read-only.
initialDetectionDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time the piece of malware was initially detected. Optional. Read-only.
lastRefreshedDateTime DateTimeOffset Date and time the entity was last updated in the multi-tenant management platform. Optional. Read-only.
lastStateChangeDateTime DateTimeOffset The date and time the malware state was last changed. Optional. Read-only.
malwareCategory String The category for the detected malware. Optional. Read-only.
malwareDisplayName String The display name for the detected malware. Optional. Read-only.
malwareExecutionState String The execution state for the detected malware. Optional. Read-only.
malwareId String The unique identifier for the detected malware. Optional. Read-only.
malwareSeverity String The severity for the detected malware. Optional. Read-only.
malwareThreatState String The threat state for the detected malware. Optional. Read-only.
managedDeviceId String The identifier for the managed device where the malware was detected. Optional. Read-only.
managedDeviceName String The display name for the managed device where the malware was detected. Optional. Read-only.
tenantDisplayName String The display name for the managed tenant. Optional. Read-only.
tenantId String The Microsoft Entra tenant identifier for the managed tenant. Optional. Read-only.



JSON representation

The following JSON representation shows the resource type.

  "@odata.type": "#microsoft.graph.managedTenants.windowsDeviceMalwareState",
  "id": "String (identifier)",
  "tenantId": "String",
  "tenantDisplayName": "String",
  "managedDeviceId": "String",
  "managedDeviceName": "String",
  "malwareId": "String",
  "malwareExecutionState": "String",
  "malwareThreatState": "String",
  "initialDetectionDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "lastStateChangeDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "detectionCount": "Integer",
  "deviceDeleted": "Boolean",
  "malwareCategory": "String",
  "malwareSeverity": "String",
  "malwareDisplayName": "String",
  "lastRefreshedDateTime": "String (timestamp)",
  "additionalInformationUrl": "String"