onenoteResource resource type

Namespace: microsoft.graph


APIs under the /beta version in Microsoft Graph are subject to change. Use of these APIs in production applications is not supported. To determine whether an API is available in v1.0, use the Version selector.

An image or other file resource on a OneNote page.

You can get the binary data of a resource, but getting a JSON representation of a resource object or a resource collection is not supported.

  "content": "String (Stream)",
  "contentUrl": "String"

Get the binary data of a specific resource by sending a GET request to the resource's content endpoint:

GET ../onenote/resources/{id}/content

The file's resource URI is returned when you get a page's HTML content using the following request:

GET ../onenote/pages/{id}/content

In the page HTML, an img tag includes endpoints for the original image resource in the data-fullres-src attribute and the optimized image in the src attribute:

    data-fullres-src-type="media-type" ... />

An object tag (which represents files such as PDF, DOCX, and PNG) includes the endpoint for the file resource in the data attribute:

    type="media-type" ... />


Method Return Type Description
Get resource Stream Retrieve the binary data of a file or image resource.


Property Type Description
content Edm.Stream The content of the resource.
contentUrl String The URL for the content stream.

